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Bump in the Night [26 May 2013|12:21am]

Bump in the Night

MODS  •  RPG  •  OOC

Imagine for a moment...

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Cast List
if all the things that scare you, everything in the darkest recesses of your mind was reality. Take a moment to consider how well you would sleep at night knowing that somewhere out there things were lurking, things that don't quite make sense to you in the light of day. Now come join us in finding out.

In the 1980's the United States confirmed the existence of Preternaturals and the fact that they do--and have--been living amongst the rest of the population for years. As the years have passed, their presence has grown increasingly hard for the rest of the world to ignore. Preternaturals--commonly referred to as spooks by normal humans aka mundanes--include vampires, were races, psychics, individuals capable of wielding magical power and elementals just to name a few. Some of them live peaceably and in secret alongside the mundanes, and some of them toe a very different sort of line, using their abilities to go outside the law.

Some mundanes take it upon themselves to eradicate these monsters from the world by any means necessary while some spooks have stepped up to the plate to control their own through more conventional means.

Where will you stand? Are you a spook or a mundane? Where does your allegiance lie, and how will you react to all those things that go Bump in the Night?

Bump in the Night is currently accepting applications for all races. If it's crept into your nightmares, you can be it. We especially would like some firemen for the House of Pain.

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[26 May 2013|12:28pm]
[info]wmhigh is a Glee psl game where the writers take control of their favorite characters and create fun and exciting story lines. After all, a lot happens after the last bell rings at McKinley or the lights fade in New York/Los Angeles. We offer nightly and weekly activities as well as frequent group scenes and individual play.

We are currently looking for: Santana, Jake, Mike, Ryder, Kitty, Marley, Unique, Cooper, Sugar, Sebastian & the Warblers, Brody, Adam and a host of original characters too.

Interested? Check out [info]prinfiggins for more details. We would love to have you.
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[26 May 2013|05:02pm]

Divine Curse




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Most Needed Characters

Katherine Pierce
Tyler Lockwood
Caroline Forbes
Elena has chosen Damon. Damon has gotten the girl. The veil was lifted and put back. Jeremy is alive again, and Bonnie is dead. Stefan, is a doppelganger and lies at the bottom of Mystic Falls. Katherine is human. Tyler is given his freedom. What does all of this mean? Silas is the only one to know the truth of the Petrova doppelgangers and is now bent on righting a centuries old wrong. He wants his love back, destroyed for the cure. He wants immortality with her. How he goes about this is to keep his true intentions hidden, to follow a different path. Pretending to be Stefan, he tries to get closer to Elena, hoping to use her immortal form as the vessel to bring his own love back. Meanwhile the rest of the group have to find out about Jeremy and Bonnie. Klaus is going to find out that he can have hybrids again, but does this mean that Katherine is back to running again? It's time to find out the truth behind the divine curse.

GAME BEGINS At Five Apps. Join today>>>>>

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Sargasso Island [26 May 2013|10:33pm]
"Well, sit right back and you'll hear a tale..."

The tale of a fateful voyage of the Song of the Seas. A magnificent liner, billed to be the largest ever built. Carrying 6,800 passengers for a promotional voyage, the year old superliner had always had uneventful trips.

Until this one. Getting caught up in a storm near the Sargasso Sea, the oceanliner sinks, taking most of her passengers and crew with her. The rest wash up on a mysterious island that is not what it seems.

Opening soon. Now accepting original characters only. Survivors of the shipwreck and natives of the island welcome. Come join our adventures on the mysterious Sargasso Island.
Plot | Rules | Application | Cast List | Credit
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