September 14th, 2008

[info]my_private_life in [info]chaosu_ooc

And Finally Back!

I am finally done with the most hellish moving experience I have ever embarked upon in my life! I'll spare the details here (because they're long and not for the weak of stomach) but I will say this: the previous tenants lived in filth and squalor I didn't realize was livable, and left it all to us.

But the house is now cozy and livable, and while I still have a great many things to unpack, there's plenty of time for that and I've been having RP withdrawals! So I am un-hiatusing!

Unfortunately, I have next to no idea what's been happening in the game while I've been away, so if I could get a quick rundown or a link to a rundown, that would be great. And I'll figure something out for why my characters have been so silent recently.

Anyway....I've missed you guys! *hugs all around*