September 13th, 2008

[info]lonely_vocals in [info]chaosu_ooc

Guess Who's Back~

Woot, tis Clara here, finally home, a little tired, queasy, but otherwise pretty good.

New York was most most awesome! I still don't know why they named it twice, but it matters not. It's fabulous enough to deserve that honour! I will try and get pictures up soon for those who are interested. Most fun indeed seeing shows, shopping and sightseeing, just a bit tiring. 

Anyway, now I am back, my hiatus ends, and I am back in action!~ This means Morana will also be coming back from her little training holiday, and heading back to Asgard. She'll look a little scruffy, but otherwise fine, and have a new grip on her powers, though limited control. Well, I was just wondering if anyone thinks I need filled in on anything, or maybe wants to thread spotting Morana coming back to Asgard and meeting her, feel free to comment here. I missed you all loads!! *glomps CU cast*

And Vic, thanks for the icon, it does remind me of Morana! <3~