August 31st, 2008

[info]yagami_light in [info]chaosu_ooc

Update on Mostly-Hiatus

I'll be making the post friends-only later so my parents have no way of seeing it, but this describes my current situation.

Lexi, I really hope this doesn't get in the way too much. I may start calling you more often, but I'll always try to stay after 9 on weekdays and anytime I can on weekends.

I'm so sorry everyone..but I will try my best too reply to things at school...if I don't get to a post for a while, you can drop me a message in that post or this one and I'll try to get around to it.

I'm also forbidden to have anything to do with Death Note til graduation...This is what happens when I try to let my parents see a truly good show. Fuck it, never doing that again.

[info]pyro_madness in [info]chaosu_ooc

Short 'N Sad... Um, I Mean, Sweet!

I haven't forgotten CU, I just missed putting up my own hiatus. ^^;;; Just been feeling down mentally/emotionally for the past week or so, and yyeeeaaah. I'll just say that I'll be back 'round Tuesday evening.

I know I still have Emerald with Banru with Brandi, and I know I've volunteered Carrion and Mitch to do stuff. If there's anything anybody needs from me, feel free to poke me here or through email. I am looking forward to getting into writing here again once I get myself together.

Keep in touch, yo~ ♥ 