August 30th, 2008

[info]1st_lord in [info]chaosu_ooc


I know it's a little 'upsetting', possibly, when the mod goes on hiatus, but i'll return soon.

I just need a break this weekend - and then i'll get right back to being active, okay? <3

However, I WILL be checking my email, so any mod stuff I can still do, and i'll try to keep an eye on the game, I'm just having some trouble getting active right now because of a few personal things - nothing too big, just thought I should give some sort of explanation. Don't worry, i'll be back and watching. =D

However, if anything major happens/is happening during this pause, PLEASE let me know? I don't want to be hit over the head with sudden news because I wasn't checking 24/7.

Anyone who needs to discuss things with me? Please try me via email or a reply to this before anything else, please.

See you guys soon - keep having fun~!

As another note: I realize the Malfunction Days have gotten a little confusing because of the calendar change - the new calendar dates for the days will be up soon, and simply assume that whatever 'day' the current MDs happen on, it happens for the three OOC days that the IC day occurs?