August 2nd, 2008

[info]schroedinger in [info]chaosu_ooc

Head's up if I disappear longer than what I usually do.

Sorry if I seem to drop off the face of the earth. An app I'm doing has to be in two days from now, and another one I'm doing for back-up. (Cause the first choice is HARD. :|) And I'm almost done with the back up, but the one I'm not even a hundredth of the way through needs to be like 99% done by the third.

So replies and such will be slower than normal. D: Sorry for any inconveniences this might cause.

[info]bring_god_down in [info]chaosu_ooc

lulz spam

This is nothing majorly important, but I'm thinking about using a PB for some of Alessa's icons. The PB will most likely be Asia Argento. (fun fact: Alessa was actually almost named after her,)

I want to do this, because I'm slightly bored of all of Alessa's icons having this expression. :|

Just thought I'd give you all a heads up.

[info]givemefood in [info]chaosu_ooc

One-Day Hiatus

I'm probably going to not be roleplaying tomorrow - i'll get back on it Monday, sorry guys - because...I just need to take a day break. No big deal, nothing's up, I just need to get some rest so I can be in high spirits and finish everything that needs to be done before the trials begin.