August 1st, 2008

[info]kisama in [info]chaosu_ooc

Aarg, I knew this would come at some point.  School is getting intense at the moment (we're learning about breads!  Not as easy as you'd think.  Srsly.  we have to use 3 different kinds of yeast!  THREE DIFFERENT KINDS.  Aaaah!)  ANYWHO.  I'm taking a hiatus for 3 weeks while Baking 111 ends.  Breads are hard stuff and i'm doing all sorts of study sessions and studying on my own and BAKING on my own.  (so much bread in the house, oi.)  BUT YES.

I shall be reachable at my email if anyone has any questions or comments.  X__x;  i'm sorry if this inconvienences anyone! 


P.S. Dr. Cox is going to be in Emptyness in a random gym working out because he wants to get awaaaay.  People are welcome to find him, but be warned, he doesn't want to play nice.  Ichimaru is going to be... plotting.  What that is, exactly, i'm not quite sure.  But i'll figures something out on my hiatus!