July 15th, 2008

[info]silverknight in [info]chaosu_ooc

About the 'Tristan' spy-plot...

To all it may concern (Will, Mitch, Strix... and I'm probably forgetting someone),

do we want to start a thread for the thing now? Back-dated et al? I'm beginning to feel uncomfortable about hanging in limbo because of this little side-plot.

[info]schroedinger in [info]chaosu_ooc

So, I decide to post. XD; Well, the pics from the trip are getting uploaded to my DA.

On to Schro-kun~

Everyone's favourite Nazi catboy~ )

[info]lonely_vocals in [info]chaosu_ooc

Plotting Update!

Well, it's happened, Morana has started screaming, and Asgard in suffering it's mini earthquake. So now, all is up to you dear players! 

Just a couple of brief points: 

First off, feel free to post in character journals over the communication system that someone is screaming and the whole place is shaking. The only restriction, as per our Mod's request is that no character suffers any serious injury during the quake. The might trip over in surprise, scrap their knees, bump their head etc, but nothing terrible like compund fractures.  Small minor stuff is the limit, as to cause great bodily harm to the characters is not the purpose of plot. 

Apart from this, Asgard is a safehouse, so no real harm can be done to anyone on the grounds or in the house as long as Metatron wills it that way. Also, everyone should know any damage will be repaired after the screaming stops after a few minutes. I don't imagine there to be anything terrible like ceiling beams falling down, so like the injuries, nothing major. Stuff will get knocked over, pcitures will fall from the walls, but I would say that small degree of damage would be the limit, the house would mostly hold together, just shake a lot while the screaming is going on. 

Now, hopefully that's all clear, if not, do ask me here. ^^ 

The other main point we want to make is for the aftermath of the quake. Obviously this won't be a big secret from the Asgard residents for very long, however, L-mun and I thought that we can offer, after the screaming stops, that Asgardians can jump into the thread, and track down L and Morana in the library, and see something has happened. Will put up a tiny but noticable edit when this is a-go, but comment now to say if you are interested. 

Anyways, do reply to the entry for any question about this little plot. So far so good, thanks for all the support you guys. ^^ <3~

EDIT: And the thread is now open for all!! Go here and have at it everyone! XD