July 14th, 2008

[info]1st_lord in [info]chaosu_ooc


I'll be trying to watch what's going on in the game like the mod should, but...

I'm on hiatus for actual threads/interaction right now. At first it was for the wiki so I could keep updating stuff, but i've gotten really sick. I'm sorry guys.

[info]lonely_vocals in [info]chaosu_ooc

Plotting Possibility

Small note of attention everyone! Mostly for Asgard, but that doesn't mean Niflheim people can't look. ^_~

Currently, L and Morana are having words in this thread, mainly going to consist of L trying to explain to Morana that she could be very useful to Asgard if she was go near members of Niflheim, and being cursed, would kill them. Of course, this does not sit well with tribal girl here, the very thought making her stress levels sky rocket. So, if pushed to boiling point, she will have a panic attack, and start screaming. Thus, her powers let loose for the second time due to severe emotional distress. 

Basically, those in Asgard will be hearing a very loud, shrill and scared scream coming from the library, and due to the sonic waves produced, the house will be going under what might be considered a small scale earthquake, so everything will be shaking until the screaming and tremours stop after about five minutes. Damage will of course instant repair once the quaking stops. The same might not be said for the slight trouble L will get into. ^^;;

Like I said, mainly affecting Asgard, since Morana's powers are not strong enough to reach Niflheim, so they won't suffer the quakes or noise. If there is some way they might that I'm not aware of, do let me know here. 

Any questions, concerns, uncertainities and criticism of this idea, do comment in this entry. The thread has only just begun, so we're not near the stage for this to happen. so plenty of time to get your opinions of this out there, and L-player and myself will listen and altar this small plottage if necessary. I also have dropped our dear mod a note about this, though am waiting for reply, so no concerns so far. Regardless, will be up to toning things down if necessary. 

If all goes through fine, I will post again to let everyone know the screaming has happened. Will vary depending on if it's okay with everyone and how quick L-mun and myself can tag.

Anyway, thanks for your attention everyone. ^-^ <3~