July 6th, 2008

[info]firstofsix in [info]chaosu_ooc

lasjdfladf;ljds GAH

Okay guys! Kain and Banru mun here, just wanted to apologize for my slow responses. My hours at work have been a bit...unstable for the past week, and it's making things difficult. I've also come to deliver some good and bad news.

Bad news first! I'll be busy tomorrow (Sunday) with some gardening that I've been putting off for far too long, so I won't be able to do much catching up that day.

Now the good news! I have two free days after that, which should give me plenty of time to get caught up with everyone (Kain hasn't even commented on the new arrivals yet!).

Also, I wanted to have a bit of a discussion about Kain's weekly training threads. Due to my slowness, the first one is still going, and I realized that if I did this weekly everyone would likely get...traininged out? Yeah. So, do you guys think we should assume they happen weekly, and only actually make a thread once a month or two?

[info]my_private_life in [info]chaosu_ooc

Return From Hiatus!

Home from my trek up to the great Northwest! Also extremely exhausted and with a great deal of unpacking and organizing and whatnot to do. Going to try and wrap up a couple threads that are nearly done tonight, and get to ones that I've planned with folks either tonight or tomorrow, depending on if I pass out or not.

(The apartment I was staying in was right above the University Ave, and since it was fourth of July weekend, there were drunks with loud music setting off firecrackers into the wee hours of the morning directly below my bedroom window. Not much sleep was had.)

[info]heaven_within in [info]chaosu_ooc

A Teensy Bit of Confusion


...I was looking around, but i'm kind of confused and think that this mod missed a roleplay thread or something.

I know there was a spy plot going on, but what is its status currently? What's going on?

[info]heaven_within in [info]chaosu_ooc

Important Note

Due to the current events in the game, it is no longer possible to infiltrate Asgard if you're a member of Niflheim.

Metatron has altered his wards on the house. Any member of Niflheim who tries to enter will feel as though they are trying to walk through/spell their way through/whatever a wall. But this isn't really a big deal, because there's tons of other areas for Niflheim/Asgard interaction. But with Niflheim being as...intent on doing stuff inbetween trials...Metatron has seen it best to do this.

There will be one exception for a character that will be appearing soon because of the canon ability of that character to appear anywhere and nowhere. He'll be able to appear on the steps of Asgard and simply walk through the barrier (though he will not be able to cause harm to those inside.) But i'll announce that character tomorrow or Tuesday.

EDIT: Tristan doesn't count since he's already inside, I believe...?