June 30th, 2008

[info]holylance in [info]chaosu_ooc

Hey everyone! Just wanted to try tossing an idea around~

I think I'll have Kain's weekly TEACHING ASGARD HOW NOT TO DIE lessons set up like a party thread. Everyone comes in and does their thing, mingling with each other, learning from Kain (or another instructor, if we get one!), training off on their own, whatever. It would make things a hell of a lot more organized than having many small threads, or just one huge thread with everyone going nuts. Does this sound good to you guys? :D

I'll try my hardest to make sure it isn't hard to get Kain's attention!

EDIT: Also, the mod has granted permission for the weekly training threads to be exempt from the two thread rule, so everyone is cool to join in! ♥ ♥