June 29th, 2008

[info]1st_lord in [info]chaosu_ooc


This is completely unrelated to CU unless you consider the fact that it's about me. lol.
No call for attention or anything, just thought i'd let people know if they want to get a hold of me, or talk to me (or get to know me better? Lolz. Liek who would want that?), then I finally caved in to impulse last night and made a livejournal.

Also I hope this isn't like, horrible of me because i've seen people do this on the board already... xD I just forgot when and where. Anywaaaaay...

It's femalewatson. D=
XD Just let me know who you are if you add me, 'kies~?

It'll probably just be me being goofy or writing essay-long stuff to prompt in-depth discussions. D=