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August 5th, 2008

Into the Woods - Mixer

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Who: Isabelle Tyler & Jack Harkness - Mixer
Where: Outside, in the Woods
When: During the daytime, I would imagine...
Summary: Mixer! Jack is wandering about, because he can, and meets up with Isa, who is around... At least they've met before, so it won't be completely random... ;)
Rating: We'll say PG until further notice.

Jack hasn't gone on 'walk-about' for a while now. He keeps meeting people and getting... distracted from pursuing the great outdoors.

Today, however, will be different. Today, he's going for a walk in the woods, just the clothes on his back - t-shirt, jeans, socks and sneakers - and ear buds around his neck. He has a selection of music on his cell 'phone - charged by the Doctor, thank you - and he plans to just stroll, observe nature on this beautiful day, and listen to something soothing and relaxing.

Ah, nothing like the music of the Fifties...

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