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August 5th, 2008

Into the Woods - Mixer

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Who: Isabelle Tyler & Jack Harkness - Mixer
Where: Outside, in the Woods
When: During the daytime, I would imagine...
Summary: Mixer! Jack is wandering about, because he can, and meets up with Isa, who is around... At least they've met before, so it won't be completely random... ;)
Rating: We'll say PG until further notice.

Jack hasn't gone on 'walk-about' for a while now. He keeps meeting people and getting... distracted from pursuing the great outdoors.

Today, however, will be different. Today, he's going for a walk in the woods, just the clothes on his back - t-shirt, jeans, socks and sneakers - and ear buds around his neck. He has a selection of music on his cell 'phone - charged by the Doctor, thank you - and he plans to just stroll, observe nature on this beautiful day, and listen to something soothing and relaxing.

Ah, nothing like the music of the Fifties...

January 28th, 2008

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Who: Sarah and OTA
When: Monday, mid-afternoon
Where: The Library

It was the first time Sarah had gone back to the library since the explosion, not quite a week later and her bruises were already fading to a sickly yellow-green, most of them covered, except for her hands and one angular mark on her jaw where she hadn't managed to block a book.

She circled the room quietly, trailing her fingers along the spines of the books, surprised that she couldn't tell the difference. She shook her head, finally picking a book of fairytales before moving to one of the chairs, drawing her feet up into the seat, watching through the window instead of actually reading.

January 19th, 2008

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Isabelle was carefully using her powers to move the rubble in search of survivors. So far she hadn't found much except, well, rubble. But as she moves a particularly large piece of ceiling she finds several bodies. She rushes forward, but it is more than clear that they are dead. Almost reverently she moves the bodies of the last man of Krypton and two Charmed Ones to a secluded and mostly undisturbed area. She's not sure exactly what to do with them, but moving them there will have to do for now.

January 13th, 2008

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Isabelle has decided to go swimming. She's read books on swimming and it does not sound too difficult.

She goes to the indoor pool and climbs into the water. Easy so far. Then she starts walking towards the deep end until she totally submerges underwater.

Somehow this does not seem to be exactly like the books talked about.
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