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April 1st, 2008

Channelling the Green Mother - OTA

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Who: Abby Sciuto and - all together, now - anyone who would like to poke her gently with a stick...
Where: The Greenhouse.
When: After the change of the seasons.
Rating: I'll say PG-13, because...
Summary: Abby decides it's time to get her hands dirty...

"'Mary, Mary, quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?'
'With silver bells and cockle shells,
And pretty maids, all in a row.'"

~ Traditional English Nursery Rhyme

She's wearing black, which isn't unusual, but is very casual today: t-shirt, pants and boots. The t-shirt does have the skull-and-crossbones on it, but that's okay.

She doesn't think the plants will mind.

Abby walks the distance to the greenhouse, which is tucked neatly between the residence and the stables, and opens the door. The smell of earth and natural fertilizer and green, growing things wraps around her sense.


She opened the cupboards, checking for seeds and pots and soil and respecting the other plantings. Gathering what she needs - including the seeds she'd hoped for - she makes sure her pigtails are secure and starts to work.

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