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July 3rd, 2008

Entrance Post - OTA

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Claire was listless.

So much had happened in such a short time - Noah wasn't dead, Peter wasn't dead, Nathan might be dead, Noah was going back to the Company. Her thoughts whirled around her head and left her unable to concentrate on much of anything.

She was in the middle of cleaning her closet when she found the box. Frowning, she sat on her bed and started to put the pieces together. It was something she didn't remember, but it was repetitive and didn't require too much effort, so it was right up her alley at the moment.

A short time later, she managed to fit the last piece in place. There was a momentary pang of regret when she finished, but she didn't have time to dwell on that when she realized she was no longer in her bedroom.

"... what the heck?"
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