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May 22nd, 2008

Layla camping trip alone (Plotlocked and closed)

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Who: Layla goes for a survivalists holiday for a few days.(Plot locked, backdated and Place holder.)
When: Backdated from this past Friday to Tuesday. (Each day will be chronological, when I am off the Cipro and can concentrate fully.)
Why: Layla needs to regain some of her personal power back. She goes out alone for a few days.
Status: Complete.
Rating-Pg-13 for now.

Chronicle Day 1 Friday:

Layla packed all of her essentials that she knew she'd need. She gathered all the items that she had taken with them for the engagement trip. She checked and rechecked to make sure she'd have enough clothing both warm and cold weather, food staples, water proof matches, sneakers and climbing shoes, sleeping roll, a towel and toiletries and whatever else she night need, she grabbed a book and a journal, pen and paper and some materials she would need to collect some flora and fauna samples. She was showered, fed, dressed, packed and out the door at about 4 am that morning. She kissed Lucas and wee man on the head as they slept and she headed out. Going in a direction, that should have been south west of the resort, according to the compass. She planned to go on a very unplanned trip. Scavenging for seeds and other edibles, non edibles/poisons would be collected and put in a special box that she brought with her. The whole point of this trip was to get out on her own, to check the place out, gather Intel and different kinds of plants both edible and poisonous and whatever else she might run into. Lastly, it was just for her to reconnect with nature. She missed it. She loved Lucas and Iggy and her friends, but she missed home and her survivalists holidays with family. She really needed this and she knew she'd be sore from all the walking, climbing and other activities, but in the end it would all be worth it. *

She came to a small, what almost looked like a salt spring. One of those really warm, salt water baths that were good for all manner of ailments.
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