
a Harry Potter RPG

Causatum Roleplay Game


May 24th, 2008


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Date: 23 May 1999
Characters: Open! Add your tags
Location: The Purple Pixie, Diagon Alley
Private/Public: OPEN!
Rating: whatever you want!
Warnings: TBA
Summary: It's the opening night at the Purple Pixie

A great night, and a great pub/club )

May 20th, 2008

RP: Off to the Ministry Registration Office

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Date: 20 May 1999
Characters: The Ministry, Luna Lovegood, Hermione Granger, Kat Bundy, Justin Finch-Fletchley
Location: The Ministry
Private/Public: Public
Rating: PG
Warnings: -
Summary: Those missing the census have come to register...

The Wizard, uh Minister, will see you now! )

OWLS: to Luna Lovegood, Hermione Granger, Kat Bundy

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Date: 20 May 1999
Characters: The Ministry, Luna Lovegood, Hermione Granger, Kat Bundy
Location: across the skies
Private/Public: Private
Rating: G
Warnings: -
Summary: Justin noticed a few names who did NOT complete their census registration back in February.

A few missing names )

To Hermione )

To Luna )

To Kat )

May 16th, 2008

RP: A familiar face in the crowd

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Date: 15 May 1999
Characters: Justin, Hermione
Location: Muggle London
Private/Public: Semi-private
Rating: TBD
Warnings: -
Summary: Justin sees a familiar face out in Charing Cross Road, and catches up with an old school friend.

Fancy seeing you here? )

April 29th, 2008

RP: The Registry of High Risk Individuals

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Date: 29 April 1999
Characters: All who are registering after being notified. - Please add your tags
Location: The three Ministry registration locations.
Private/Public: Public
Rating: TBA
Warnings: TBA
Summary: Those who were deemed high risk must now register as such. See Mod Post for more detail.

High Risk Individuals, Enter Here )

April 19th, 2008

RP: Party to end all Parties.

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Date: 19 April 1999
Characters: Miles, Verity, Bee, Daphne, and every and all slytherins and purebloods. Add your tags
Location: Bletchley Park
Private/Public: Public
Rating: Going to be very adult. Miles certainly hopes so.
Warnings: -
Summary: Why it's Moulin Rouge night for Miles and Bee's birthday. Eat, drink, shag, and be as debauched as you want to be.

Wildest one in the book )

March 17th, 2008

RP: St Patrick's Day

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Date: 17 March 1999
Characters: Justin Finch-Fletchley, Harry Potter
Location: Auror Headquarters
Private/Public: Private
Rating: TBA
Warnings: TBA
Summary: Justin has to run some errands and has to hand deliver some paperwork to the aurors in charge, and runs into an old friend.

Where everyone is Irish! )

March 9th, 2008

Inner Ministry Owl: to Justin Finch-Fletchley

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Date: 9 March 1999
Characters: Justin Finch-Fletchley, ???
Location: Ministry owl
Private/Public: Private
Rating: G
Summary: Justin receives a missive.


March 7th, 2008

RP: Strange meeting places

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Date: 7 March 1999
Characters: Justin Finch-Fletchley, Jillian Dorny
Location: Kings College Library, London
Private/Public: Private
Rating: -
Warnings: -
Summary: In the middle of a muggle university library, Justin gets caught doing something naughty.

Read more... )

March 3rd, 2008

Owl: Susan to Justin

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Date: 4 March 1999
Characters: Susan Bones, Justin Finch-Fletchley
Location: The Sky
Private/Public: Private
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: Susan writes to a friend to see what's happening with her Auror application at the ministry.

Dear Justin )

February 15th, 2008

RP: A Leaky Lunch

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Date: 15 February, 1999
Characters: Justin Finch-Fletchley, Demelza Robbins
Location: The Leaky Cauldron
Private/Public: Private
Rating: TBA
Summary: Justin literally bumps into Demelza at the Leaky Cauldron.

Read more... )

February 8th, 2008

RP: A long Queued Line

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Date: 8 February 1999
Characters: All in the Wizarding World
Location: London, England
Private/Public: Public
Rating: G
Summary: People are waiting to fill out their census forms.
Completion: InComplete

The true necessity is always justice )
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