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Nov. 4th, 2014


I kinda miss playing season 1, maybe season 2 Elena Gilbert, and I was wondering if anyone would play against her if I bring her in.

I am also going to bring in Tatia, but I have to figure out how I am going to play her and find icons.

Aug. 14th, 2012


It's finally that time!

So I just need to take a quick inventory of who is staying and who is going. Some of my chars may be dropped once everyone is sorted, but for now this is the cast list. Please let me know if I missed anyone or have anyone under the wrong name.

This is public so that Blake and Val can see the list.

Everyone must comment to acknowledge that they have read this and that their list is accurate.

We will reopen only after everyone has confirmed and any apps that are needed come in.

We are starting fresh with everyone coming in new. That being said, if you want to change any canon points, this is the time.

List )

May. 24th, 2012


I lost the following lines. If anyone wants to pick up the characters for them, please let me know. I will be dropping any who remain lineless but I wanted to offer the lines first in case anyone wanted to take them over. My character is first, the characters I lost are next. Anyone struck out is automatically going to be dropped.

Under here )


Okay I need everyone to post with who they are keeping. We've had a lot of drops lately and we need to know who is left to sort through everything. Don't worry about posting who is dropped here--anyone not listed here will be assumed to be dropped.

For any characters that were dropped that you would like to pick up, please include those in the post. First person to claim them gets them, just as if they were held. Also, if you're picking up a new character now out of the drops, you don't have to wait a week--just swap them out and kills will be done for those who remain.

Please include your name in the subject line.

Links are okay, but make sure that every character is listed there, anyone not accounted for will be assumed to be dropped. If they aren't on that list, then at least make sure that you add them on in your comment.

May. 19th, 2012


Sorry but I'm going to have to leave this game, needing to cut back some places while I figure out my life situation. Good luck to all.

May. 2nd, 2012


OK gang, I'm getting my shit together, the first of the month is always rough at work and been going through an rp fuck, espeacilly since no one replies to these post when I'm looking for someone to play with, but I'm here.

I know I have a few things I need to do, I've spoke with those people and the threads will go up soonish, like tomorrow on.

But if there anyone I haven't spoke with and you would like to do something, hit me up.

You can poke me in the post, email me or im me since I'm on now.

Apr. 30th, 2012


I'm looking for play in here :)

Contact me!

Apr. 28th, 2012


I wanted to apologize for slacking on mod stuff the past several weeks. My days off this week were really stressful and I've been suffering from really severe headaches the past several days. The previous weeks it was mainly spend all day doing mod stuff or trying to catch up on tags. So this game suffered for it. There is a plot that was supposed to start this week but because of my situation and Jeia's, it's being postponed. Hopefully we can do it next week. There is no mod post this week, so in the meantime just keep playing and hopefully next weekend will be easier for me.

Apr. 24th, 2012


Hello all! It's Callie and she's back! (My apologies if you see this more than once, I'm cross-posting)

Sorry I didn't get to much yesterday. I was pretty tired and disorganized, so please bear with me as I try to get my momentum back. There is A LOT to look through, so I'd appreciate any brief synopsis that anyone can give. Important posts, threads, happenings, etc. If you want a thread, just ask me here (or remind me if I promised one before I left, I'm scattered right now) I also want to ask for a reminder of what characters I promised to make so I can update accordingly. This could be a slow process, but I promise I'll get back into my normal swing too. I just need some help!



This will be cross posted because we share a lot of games. Last friday after work, Jeia was in a car accident. She is okay but is pretty banged up and may not be around for a little while. She just wanted to let everyone know.

Apr. 23rd, 2012


Hey, guys. Misha here. The boys and I are on official hiatus, while I'm dealing with my mom's medical issues. She's currently in ICU, and her breathing is the biggest issue. After 48 hours on 100% oxygen, her stats remain low and her blood pressure remains high.

I'll be back when I can, just know I love you all. ♥


I am sorry for inactive-ness here, I don't even have a good reason... But I'd like to pick it all back up and yeah? I have lots of characters and they are awesome... And you should play with them.

Apr. 19th, 2012


Hey everyone! Callie here. Just a quick heads up to let everyone know that I might probably? need a little hiatus starting tomorrow. There was an unexpected death in the family and the funeral is on Saturday. Only catch is, it's in Chicago (I live in VA) So I'm flying out tomorrow afternoon, and will return Sunday night. I know it's only a few days, and I'm bringing my laptop, but I just don't want anyone to wonder why I'm not hovering online 24/7 like I always do. I will poke at stuff when/if I can, but it depends on the wifi there and whatnot how much time I have online; if any.

If you need/want anything from me, let me know here. We can set it up tonight and I'll poke at it before bed and when I can over the weekend. I'll have my phone, so any emails or tags/comments you send will still reach me. And if you send me texts, then please please keep doing so since I will be going crazy. Feel free to keep me sane or request stuff despite my lack of availability for the next couple days!

♥ (This will be cross-posted to all my games, so my apologies if you see it more than once)

Apr. 12th, 2012


Hey guys! Jeia here, wanting to apologize for not being around the last week or so. My life got insane. If you have anything you want me to see, or would like to discuss plots, let me know. You can also reach me via email -

If you see this more than once, I am sorry. Cross-posted to everywhere I play!

Apr. 9th, 2012


Last week/weekened RL kicked my ass with work and family stuff, but this week and weekend, I'm going to be around to play.

Anyone want to thread, plot or start off one of the many mini plots that have been commented about in passing?

If so, poke me here, comment here, email me:, (best to do) or aim me @ memyselfandfi (I get offline messages amd not on till after 6est most days)

If you need a refresher on who I play, go here.

Also, if by chance you have a problem with me. I've posted a bitch box here, were comments are screen so it can be sorted out between just us.

Apr. 8th, 2012


Forgot to mention that I'm updating Emma Unholy Matrimony and Santana On My Way.

Blaise is going to be the witch who showed Spencer her future, and Spencer gave her money. If anyone wants to volunteer a witch to tell Emma and/or Santana's futures let me know.

Apr. 5th, 2012


Fi here with just a small pimp with other communities, that I'm a part of, to serve rper needs.

[info]muses_wanted - A place where someone can post looking for muses to play with their characters.

[info]replytomymeme - Meme's from all sorts of people can be seen here. It's fun to be random and silly, to ask ooc how you are playing a character in a How's My Driving meme, or perhaps show some love for the people you play with or ask for love in return? It's a little bit of everything.

Two meme's went up today

How's My Driving

Shower RP Love

[info]promptsformuses - Monthly prompts are posted for your character, just to help work out the headspace of them. You can post what you wrote or don't.

Here's this months.

[info]sceneandsay - Feel like threading, just not in game? Here is a place to be random

[info]sceneandsaysmut - Feel like smutting with someone and can't/won't do it in game. Take it here, random is love!

[info]6wordstories - Six words of talking or actions sets a random or not so random thread into play.

[info]spn6wordstories - The SPN fandom is HUGE at IJ, so this community is made for the fandom so it wouldn't over flood 6wordstories.

[info]smutty6ws - 6wordstories and spn6wordstories are smut free, this community is locked to 18+ for the wild/lover side of your character.


Spencer found a witch to tell her future yesterday. She is updated through unmAsked, the season 2 finale. Which totally pissed me off, by the way. I don't know when the PLL kids are from, but if anyone else is wanting to update, they're welcome to have come with her. Just let me know if you're going that route so I can keep track.

This is reposted everywhere I play PLL kids, only edited for the char I play there, so if you see this exact message more than once, I apologize.

Also, don't remember right off who has NW witches around. If you want to volunteer to be that one, let me know.

And more info for anyone who updates at any time in the future. I'm gonna say that the "fortune telling" is more like a trance thing so the person is physically with the witch but it feels like they're living it. And as usual, they do have to be out of play for 24 hours (so Spencer is back today).



* Some of you already know that I will now be sending out emails each week to those who don't reply. It won't be a warning or anything, just a link so that I can know that everyone read it.

* Plot ideas are still welcome in the Plot Drop Box

* Jeia and I will be discussing the new plot soon and we will get it into place. The first wave of Daybreak recruiting will happen after that.

* What's your favorite commercial?

* I do still need people to respond to the contact post (yes, I am one). Here. Please do so and make sure it's kept up-to-date. (This means deleting comments and reposting when you add new characters).

* Starting next week, I will start adding the answers of previous mod post.

* Birthdays this week (until Thursday): Mark Carter (today), Jo Harvelle, Neferet

March Birthdays )

* Open threads this week: None.

Open Threads )

Mar. 30th, 2012


Because I forgot to do the drop yesterday/add this to the mod post, Christian Ozera will be killed tonight. His body can be found in an alley either late tonight or tomorrow he will have been torn to pieces, as though killed by an animal.

You do not need to reply to this mod post.

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