Mar. 7th, 2012


Hallo party people! I am so glad this game is finally open! Thank you to Lissa, the lovely creator and my co-mod, for waiting until I was fully back from my way-too-long hiatus. And man, am I ever glad to be back. Most of you know me, and if you don't, just ask! I am working on updating my CDJ so friend me! :D

Without further ado, here are my pups. The most important, from the Night World universe, are first and the remainder are under the cut!

~ Thierry Descouerdes @ [info]lordthierry - Thierry is the Lord of the Night World. He is over 30,000 years old, but appears to be 19. He was the first made vampire, and so is revered amoung his kind. Thierry isn't very trusting, so it takes a lot to get to know him. But once you on the inside, you're taken care of. He is loyal to his friends, who he loves like family. He has many employees, most of whom conduct the interviews. He started Circle Daybreak to help combat the evil of the dangerous lamia, shifters, and witches. He is married to his soulmate, Old Soul Hannah Snow. He lost her in every one of her lives due to his maker taking her from him. However, she is gone and Hannah lives, attending high school in Vegas. While Thierry isn't approachable in person, he is known to sometimes reach out or respond via journals. Thierry helps with lodging, jobs, food, etc. Have a problem? Let one of his people know, and the message will reason him. Lives in the Mansion where guests arrive.

~ Thea Harman @ [info]theaharman - Thea is a witch, and ran away from Vegas a couple of years prior to now. She has a soulmate, Eric Ross (hint, hint) who is a human. She left her family to be with him. Her cousin, Blaise, is more like a sister to her. She is fiercely loyal to her family and friends, and is a light in the darkness. Thea is a happy girl, and has an affinity for communicating with animals. She is also a natural healer. She will be an interviewer shortly. Her interview style will be very compassionate and helpful. Room: Aria #1204 w/Emma Becker (for now, to move to Grandma Harman's Shop with Blaise)

~ Morgead Blackthorn @ [info]morgead - Ah, Morgead. Morgead is a lamia (born) vampire. He has had a complex for most of his life that he (and the other lamia) are better than humans. And pretty much anyone else. He used humans as hunting sport. Eventually, though, he found out that Jez Redfern, his soulmate, was half human and his life changed forever. He joined Circle Daybreak to help take care of her (as she is a Wild Power), though he isn't always happy about being a part of the organization. Morgead is an interviewer. His interview style is sarcastic and a bit confrontational, if he feels he is being lied to or fed bullshit. Lives in the Mansion to protect Jez.

~ Galen Drache @ [info]gdrache - Galen is a shapeshifter, whose permanent animal form is that of a leopard. He chose this big cat to help protect his soulmate, Keller, when she was attacked by a dragon. He is a member of the First House of Drache, the most powerful shapeshifter family in existence. He doesn't like to flaunt that fact, and would prefer to just get to know people without his family name dictating what they think of him. Galen is friendly, kind, and compassionate. He would help someone in need at the drop of a hat. Room: Aria #1202 w/Melissa Glaser

~ John Quinn @ [info]vampquinn – Oh Quinn... he is the former biggest, most badass vampire there was. He didn't give a damn about anyone, save himself and a few close friends. He recently met, and was almost killed by, Rashel Jordan (the vampire hunter). They are soulmates, and he wants to change for her... even though she still wants to kill him. Quinn can be a smart aleck, and likes to push peoples' buttons to see how far he can push them. Room: Aria #1109 w/ Renesmee Cullen

And the rest... )

All of my pups are up for plotting. I love to interact across fandoms, so please don't be shy! I will be posting intros for these toons tomorrow, as I am exhausted - it took me almost an hour to type this! You can reach me on AIM (this weekend) @ bloombabeh; or email - (best way to reach me).


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