February 6th, 2011

[info]baroness_darla in [info]bsg_avalon

The Price

WHO: Darlene Wolff, NPC Burnwood
WHERE: Burnwood, Caprica
WHEN: Morning 03 Dec Y02

To date, Darlene had never failed to deliver for her employers but most recently they had caused for concern as one of their top operatives failed to strike at a critical moment. Pressure from upstairs was mounting on her immediate employers since the failed bombing during the memorial service and questions were being voiced about her competence. Her superiors, feeling she was too detached from a watchful eye recalled her from Avalon, going through military channels so that it seemed she was being reassigned rather than just taking her off the map completely.

Welcome to Burnwood )

[info]capt_callgirl in [info]bsg_avalon

Nothing More Important

WHO: Callie Morgan, Kylie Morgan (NPC), NPC Neighbors
WHERE: Glenrock, Aerilon
WHEN: Morning 07 Dec Y02

Two parents dead, no family to take care of the little one; it was an easy choice for Callie Morgan. She couldn’t let her niece work through the pain of losing both parents’ to terrorism alone. Her request for reassignment was approved, her position of distinction in the fleet was coming to an end as she shipped out for soiled ground in Glenrock, Aerilon. Her niece was close to her, at least the last time they saw each other which was a good year or so ago, the young lady was idolizing her. She wondered if that would be the same now.

Nothing More Important )