April 5th, 2010

[info]baroness_darla in [info]bsg_avalon

Making Plans

WHO: Darlene Wolff & Classified
WHERE: Outdoor Café on Caprica
WHEN: A few days before New Dawn.

The sun beat down on the colony in a quaint little café in the middle of the market place - a haven for the lost or a waiting place for those not lost but looking to be found. Darlene sat under the shade, eyes hidden behind dark lens as she waited with vested interest for her contact to arrive. It was always standard protocol for such meetings to be held in the public eye, hiding the truth from the innocent by flaunting it right under their noses. Time ticked like grain of sand slowly slipping down the hourglass. Darlene’s eyes ran around the points of interest, the points of vulnerability which stretched around the market place from left to right, right to left – it was hard to switch off the tactical appraisals. Her attention was retracted back to the immediate area, the few yards around her very being; the bright umbrella standing tall over the table, the barely dressed table based in front of her and now a strong figure dressed like a waiter standing over and too the right. His voice matched his physical stature, strong and willing.

Classified )