August 12th, 2011

[info]mady in [info]breaking_quotes

[info]glitterberries: i'm going through veronica mars screencaps
[info]glitterberries: and i've concluded that logan and duncan kind of remind me of xander and elliot
[info]mady: WHICH ONE IS WHICH
[info]glitterberries: in the first episode when they're being assholes at lunch
[info]kaytea: LOL
[info]glitterberries: elliot is duncan because he is blockier and xander is logan because they both have pudgy cheeks
[info]kaytea: I was about to say that elliot is duncan because he can have a relationship
[info]mady: elliot/edwina/xander
[info]kaytea: without being an ass
[info]mady: HAHAHAHA OMG
[info]mady: HE CAN SAY
[info]glitterberries: LOL
[info]headgirl: LOL
[info]glitterberries: aeoghewagoiuhwerg
[info]glitterberries: weiougtgehkl;m,FWEAhztfj
[info]headgirl: HAHHA
[info]kaytea: shgdjksahgjkhjkhjkhgh
[info]kaytea: omg Mady
[info]glitterberries: oh my god
[info]glitterberries: i am slain