Breaking Point


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March 23rd, 2010



RP: Eileen, Marcus

Who: Eileen Prince, Marcus Flint
Where: Knockturn Alley
When: very late March 22, 2025
Summary: Eileen is restless

12 lacewing flies, stewed for 21 days; 1 ounce of antimony, crude; 4 leeches, unsucculated; 16 scruples of fluxweed, collected at full moon; knotgrass, pulverised; 3 drachms of sal ammoniac, pulverised; boomslang skin, dried, shredded; 1 pinch of lunar extracted bicorn horn, powdered... )

RP: Harry and Scorpius

Who: Harry and Scorpius
Where: The Ministry
When: March 22, 20025
Summary: Harry and Scorpius meet to discuss Mandy's evaluation

Read more... )



RP: Harry, Al

Who: Al Potter, Harry Potter
Where: Harry and Ginny's rooms at Hogwarts
When: March 23, 2025
Summary: Al needed to ask Dad a question

Hey, can Scorpius sleep in my room? )



RP: Regulus

Who: Regulus
Where: Hogwarts
When: 23 March, 2025
Summary: It's been a few long days

Work can be a good thing )

RP: Hannah and Marlene

Who: Hannah Longbottom, Marlene McKinnon
Where: Leaky
When: 23 March 2025
Rating/Warnings: Likely none
Summary: Hannah is working, but her mind is elsewhere

Feet on the ground, head in the clouds )

RP: Nicky and ?

Who: Nicky, anyone else?
Where: Ministry hallways
When: 23 March 2025
Rating/Warnings: TBA
Summary: Nicky is feeling good about a productive day

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood )



RP: Scor and Rose

Date:22 March 2025, (Yesterday)
Who: Scorpius Malfoy, Rose Weasley
Where: Three Broomsticks
Rating: Low
Summary: Scorpius meets Rose

And now I'm itching for the tall grass//And longing for the breeze//I need to step outside//Just to see if I can breathe )