Posts Tagged: '%21plot:+hell+on+earth'

Jun. 19th, 2013



i was too lazy for a subject line

Who: Ben Parker | NPCs: Peter Parker, Gwen Stacy, and Kraven the Hunter
Where: New York City
When: [Backdated] 6/10/2013
Rating: This narrative has been rated "R" by the Roleplay Entertainment Association of America (REAA)
Summary: Death, gore, violence. Kraven returns from Hell to exact revenge on Peter Parker and his family.

The Sins of the Children. )

Jun. 10th, 2013



it's the end of the world as we know it

WHO: Everyone.
WHEN: June 10, 2013
WHERE: Everywhere
RATING: PG-13, violence
SUMMARY: It's hell on earth, y'all!
NOTES: So, this is a generic post to kick things off. Similar circumstances are happening all over the globe. Since this is happening all over, and there are people in different cities, there will be threads for each cities.

It started with a bang. A loud crack that reverberated through the city. The skies went green, then brown, and then black. Lightning crackled in the sky and struck the ground and suddenly the world began to shake like the fist of an angry god. Suddenly, a bright white light shone in the sky and with a blast, the light spread filling the sky. From the light, burst forth a barrage of lightning before the sky turned red.

With each strike of lighting, the ground caved in. A hole was ripped through the fabric of reality and from it spilled forth the legions of the hell. Demons, monsters, and people who should never have stepped forth onto this plane again. Hellions popped up all over the place: alleys, the middle of streets, bedrooms, living rooms. The sounds of screams filled the air and the people began to spill out into the streets.

All across the globe, cities suddenly found themselves in the middle of some kind of apocalyptic movie where death followed and the gurgled cries of death mixed with cacophony of growls and wails of the dead. Hell had come to earth, and no one was prepared.

Jun. 3rd, 2013



i was too lazy for a subject line

WHO: Archibald Grimm & Theo Barton.
WHEN: May 6th.
WHERE: Some random alley in NY.
SUMMARY: Archie tried to be a hero and failed. Then he called his own 'hero'.

You should run... )

May. 31st, 2013



i was too lazy for a subject line

WHO: Ira (well, the Hulk) & YOU
WHEN: 05/31
WHERE: Bludhaven
SUMMARY: Hulk felt it before Ira even saw it.

He tossed his cell phone at the demon's head before running as fast as his legs could carry him. )



i was too lazy for a subject line

WHO: GABE and Mary
WHAT: Gabe is feeling a bit demonic after killing one.
WHERE: A random street, Manhattan
WHEN: May 30, afternoon

There was something depressing about going from flirting with a beautiful girl to feeling like your skin was on fire )



i was too lazy for a subject line

WHO: Chase and Gert
WHAT: Shoe shopping during the apocalypse
WHERE: A shoe store
WHEN: May 30

They dealt with chaos every other Tuesday. )

May. 28th, 2013



i was too lazy for a subject line

WHO: The Joker & Open to Interested Parties
WHEN: 05/24
WHERE: Gotham City, NJ
SUMMARY: The Joker has returned to Gotham and a veritable war zone breaks out.
NOTES: There is a mass of clownish demons at Joker's command. Interested parties should feel free to have anyone come across them near the chaos that sparks from this. I'll tag back accordingly. :D

a voice that is dark like tainted glass )

May. 25th, 2013



i was too lazy for a subject line

WHO: Everett ( narrative )
WHEN: 05/24
WHERE: New York City, NY
SUMMARY: Everett learns he has both a love/hate relationship when it comes to shoe shopping.

He never missed a target. )

May. 24th, 2013



thread; green lantern (i) & tempest

WHO: Tula & Justice League [Open to NYers]
WHEN: 05/24
WHERE: New York City, NY
SUMMARY: Demon infestation is getting worse.
NOTES: Make your own subthreads if you want. <3

That sort of thing happened more often than people would like to admit. )

May. 19th, 2013



i was too lazy for a subject line

Who: Citizens and heroes of NYC, Horus.
NPCs: Sabina, Ragged New York Man and various citizens
Where: New York; unnamed dimension of hell
When: 5/18, 6:30PM
What: What happens when you trap a demi-god in a hell dimension? Well he tries to escape. Someone is causing cracks between our world and this hell dimension causing all sorts of bad guys to crossover, including those who have been long dead.

It was time. )