Blood Sings To Blood, Words Will Find A Way
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April 2013
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Taylor Craig {Primeval AU} [userpic]
Week 7.4 - Write About Something To Hold Onto

Becker gave me something to hold onto when I didn't even think about needing it.

Muse: Taylor Craig
Fandom: Primeval (AU)
Words: 317

george_carter [userpic]
Prompt Week Seven

5. Write about a forbidden activity.

The thing is, I'm not sure why it's forbidden. I mean, I'm not married now and neither is he. The Act was changed in 1967 for Pete's sake. I don't know why it is criminal in the first place. Why is it anyone's business what two consenting adults get up to? I mean it's not like we're cottaging. Well I don't, but I suspect from some of Jack's grasses, he might still troll about. He says it's in aid of getting more grasses he has a hold over, but I don't really believe that. Especially after dealing with that toad Stickley. Bastard was too smug by half. Not that I'm proprietary or anything but I didn't like the way he presumed.

Anyways, I don't see why it should be forbidden for two fellas to enjoy one another's company. But I'm not the one making the law, I'm just the one upholding it. Mostly.

Muse: Sgt. George Carter
Fandom: The Sweeney

Week 7 - 1. "A year after your death..."

I suppose that you wish to hear me swan about lamenting that I had realised the loss of my humanity a year after my death, or that I was finally coming to realise the true nature of the 'burden' of my existence.

Do not hold your breath.

Or rather, please do. The rush of endorphins that flows into the blood as it screams for oxygen can be quite intoxicating to taste, and it is much better if you undertake the work of flavouring your blood for me. Not that I mind a good Harrowing, but why tax myself when I can tax you instead?

Muse: Ambrogino Giovanni
Fandom: WoD:VtM
Words: 104

Prompt 7.3

"Didn't know you can bond over skewering a Blood Vampyr in the heart."

Muse: Sira Nightfyre
Fandom: Original Character
Words: 247

Mod Journal For Blood Sings To Blood [userpic]
Prompt Week Seven -- April 11, 2010

We apologize for the long delay in prompts -- real life and sickness kind of ate two of us alive.

On to the prompts!

1. "A year after your death..." (after Czeslaw Milosz)
2. "For as long as she lives, and probably longer, she will never forget his face." (after Alison Moore)
3. Write about an unforseen friendship.
4. Write about something to hold onto.
5. Write about a forbidden activity.

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