Blood Sings To Blood, Words Will Find A Way
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April 2013
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Abby Maitland {Primeval - Cretaceous Era} [userpic]
Week 6.4 -- It's what I do at 2:30 in the morning when I can't sleep

The problem is, that's when my mind decides to go into the process of what some might call too much thinking.

Muse: Abby Maitland
Primeval: Primeval (Post Cretaceous)
Words: 896

george_carter [userpic]
prompt week #6

5. Night is falling. You're not at home.

The light is fading, just like me. I've been on the job since 7am and that's with only 5 hours sleep the night before. I can't wait till this bleedin obbo is over so I can sleep for a week. Sitting here in a closed van with the lads is not my idea of an evening's entertainment. Unless, of course, Murray and his firm arrive... Then we can hand out the kickings. Nothing cheers a fellow up like giving a villain a good kicking. Then going out to the boozer for afters.

With my luck, though, it'll just be siting here till close to midnight again. No birds, no booze and Tom tellin the same stupid jokes as last night.

Don't look like we've got any tea either.

Muse: Sgt. George Carter
Fandom: The Sweeney

Mod Journal For Blood Sings To Blood [userpic]
Prompt Week Six -- March 23, 2010

Up two days late, we apologize!

1. Write about a used car.
2. Write about falling from grace.
3. Write about a redheaded woman.
4. It's what I do at 2:30 in the morning when I can't sleep.
5. Night is falling. You're not at home.

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