Blood Sings To Blood, Words Will Find A Way
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April 2013
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george_carter [userpic]

Prompt Week Five
5. You hear a siren.

Nothing unusual there. I'm generally in the car that's making the noise. If you run when you hear one, I want to know what naughties you've been up to.

2. If you could completely start your life over from scratch, what would you do differently the second time around (if anything)? Why?

Different... Hmm. Nothing and Everything... not that that's an answer of course. Seeing what I see now, I'd have done a bit more in school. Education really does make a difference. The Fifth Floor don't take you serious if you seem uneducated, particularly if you don't speak posh. Not sure I could speak posh, though. But what else? Well I'd have nailed that Betty Farmer sooner. Cor, but that was something. And for all that I do love her, I'm not so sure I'd have got married. Policing is hard on wives. Particularly on well-educated, career minded ones. The job turns them sour and really, its not fair. Some take to it, but not many. Mine didn't and she didn't take to Jack either. Was her that got me out of the Sweeney first time around. Drove her mental when I went back. She didn't understand that it was something I needed to do. It's in me. I catch villains. Hard villains. It wasn't Jack, like she thought. Well not, totally Jack... It's the work. The work that makes it work getting up every morning. Policing isn't a job, it's who you are. That's something I'd never change.

Muse: Sgt. George Carter
Fandom: The Sweeney

Prompt 5.4 - Three things my father told me.

My father wasn't the richest man in Napoli and he wasn't the wisest, either, but he did have some advice that has served me more than well in my life. Three pieces of advice, though, stick out in my memory:

Muse: Roberto Giovanni
Fandom: WoD:VtM
Words: 427

Prompt 5 ---- "You Hear a Siren..."

"Here is something you can't understand..." I murmur to myself, "how I could just... KILL A MAN..."

Muse: Sira V. Nightfyre
Fandom: OC
Word Count: 242

Mod Journal For Blood Sings To Blood [userpic]
Prompt Week Five -- March 7, 2010

1. "Heartbreak warfare"
2. If you could completely start your life over from scratch, what would you do differently the second time around (if anything)? Why?
3. Storm.
4. Three things my father told me.
5. You hear a siren.

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