Jul. 16th, 2013


Falling Away (OPEN)

(Note: we_coexist!Enigma, future dated, open to anyone at all of any variation)

Enigma was crouched on a rather ugly looking gargoyle, looking over the city below her. It was the city she had been born in, the city she had returned to...and yet it wasn't The City she called home. That city, she missed desperately, with every beat of her heart, each morning she woke up alone.

She stood, her feet twisted, balancing on the gargoyle's neck, the high winds whipping at her, trying to pull the twenty-five year old to her death. She blinked slowly behind her mask, her gaze turning down to the ground that the wind was so eager to press her against and she closed her heavily darkned eyes, feeling the tugs and pulls of the insistant wind, her body leaning, almost eager to give into it.

And she fell forward, tumbling through the air, her heart rushing into her throat, brain screaming at her a million warnings, her long red pigtails streaming behind her as she fell.

One of her hands slid down her body to the pack at her hip and she pulled free her grappling gun, firing it into the air, jerking as it caught and the momentum of her fall sent her swinging over the city of Gotham, her breath leaving her in a shout.

She was depressed, desperately missing everything she loved...but she wasn't so far gone that she was going to jump from the gargoyles of Wayne Tower over it. She had a life to live...a life Bruce would have wanted her to live.

She flipped through the air, releasing the grappling hook as she landed on a roof, giving a tumble before rising to her feet, watching the sun as it started it's decent, a smile on her lips.

One day..she would make her way home.