June 8th, 2015

[info]vworp in [info]bizarroworld

Singing Towers [MCwho]

The Doctor was so excited to bring Steve and Bucky to the singing towers. The entire planet had a way of singing, and the melody was always beautiful and up lifting. Any ache that weighed on their heart, any sorrow that might have occupied their mind, were sure to be temporarily lifted by the harmonic energies of the planet. She'd already warned them not to be careful to open their mouth. Words had a way of coming out more song-like. It was impossible not to get swept up a bit by it all, but in a good way, she'd assured them.

But when she opened the TARDIS doors, the Doctor quickly realized something was off. The planet was still achingly beautiful as ever, its song thrummed in the air like a summer breeze. But the chords were all in minor. It was sad, so stunningly sad.

"Something's not right..." she started. A hand clasped over her mouth. No, no. She would have to be careful. Instead of being a temporary tonic for her sadness, she realized immediately it might magnify any discord in her heart. She hadn't even sung, but the way she spoke was rhythmic, the lead in to a melody she had no intention of singing.

Well, then. Come along. We'll find what's wrong...

She sucked in a breath and stopped herself, motioning to her companions instead. She was dressed for a trek in the mountains, where the sunset was beautiful, wearing the same riding pants she'd attempted on Steve and Jane's aborted second date. It had been on purpose, a signal of a second chance, but now that the planet's tune was all wrong she was starting to regret that choice.

Jane pointed her sonic into the open, and when it whirred, even the sound was pitch perfect. She walked in silence though her footfall carried the soft, sad rhythm perfectly.