December 5th, 2020



Text Messages: Flowers and Dinner?

Who: Tal Rainey & Roman Skye
What: Text Conversation
Where: Phone - Texts
When: Four days after the Visit aka November 18, early evening
Ratings/Warnings: None

You have one (1) unread message )



Dinner, Stargazing, and more...

Who: Tal Rainey & Roman Skye
What: Dinner, Stargazing, and Trust Building
Where: Bugsy and Meyer’s Steakhouse, Las Vegas; Las Vegas; and Near Searchlight
When: November 19
Ratings/Warnings: Mild - Suggestion of sexy times

...he didn’t want to spoil anything special )



Catching up

Who: Nesryn/NPC - April Reese
What: A phone call
When: Present
Rating: Low

Hey girl! ... )