July 20th, 2020



That Was New

Who: Brian and Nesryn
What: He's a Bleeding Mess
Where: The Gas Station
When: Present Day, Night
Ratings/Warnings: PG

Drip… drip-drip.

He had been bitten. Rivulets of iron-rich blood rode the length of Brian’s arm from bicep to palm, making a new network of external veins that clung from his index and ring fingers in pendants. The drops hung suspended and then pattered on the ground, a dull, coagulating trail of breadcrumbs.

It had started off ordinary. The moon was at waning crescent. All he had planned for the night was a shift at Lucky’s, maybe an early crash. But that shift had pissed him off to the point that he needed to be a wolf, free of bullshit, free of the bartender who hadn’t shown up for a shift, the mystery of the clogging toilet by the bar, and the bassist of a thrash rock band who got drunk and pulled out his dick to piss on stage. The minute he got cut free, Brian took off, already tugging up his shirt before he passed the last streetlight. He ventured to an outcropping he knew in the hills, dumped his clothes, and let the wolf stretch its legs, even though shifting hurt like a son of a bitch when the wolf clawed at the surface like that.

And that’s all it was supposed to be.

Except It Wasn't )



I can't go back to the river

Who: Celeste & Nesryn
What: Impromptu Breakfast for Dinner and conversation
Where: Terrible’s Roadhouse
When: Monday, July 20th, night
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

My heart is a valley.
Read more... )



Cian Returns to the Cove

Who: Cian O’Neill, Abby Marks
What: When Abby met Cian
When: Some weeks earlier
Where: Cottonwood Cove

He was cute, too. For a geezer. )



Knocking on Heaven's Door

Who: Shimmer, Celeste Henry
What: Early Delivery
Where: Las Vegas, Hotel, Night
When: Present Day
Ratings/Warnings: None

Please Don't Touch That )

[Scene complete.]



A Humming Under the Skin

Who: Rhiannon & Cian
What: They meet when her car breaks down
When: Present day, sunset
Where: Searchlight
Ratings: PG

Definitely a Vibe )