Aug. 4th, 2008


[FIC] Resistance - The Bijou (Sebastian/Pearl) - NC-17

Last of the reposts, I promise! :)

Written forthe last [info]kinkfest round.
author's babble )

Oct. 20th, 2007


New(-ish) content to welcome the comm!

Lapis, Lazuli, and Pearl, from the Bijou, worksafe.> <a href= )

May. 31st, 2006


I - I don't think I have an excuse.

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]lazulisong)

Please excuse the retard and her Pearl obsession. *FLEES*

Pearl-centric, Peridot sings )
Pearl, a hoarding creature )
The advantages of people not knowing what you're calling them )
Lapis thinks some things are pretty even if he can't quite put it in words )
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Fic, not worksafe, Gift of Gab

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]mousapelli)

Title: Gift of Gab [Jasper/Pearl]
Rating/Warnings: R for Jasper being the worst baby-sitter evar.
Summary: Left in Jasper's care, Pearl does some fast talking.
AN: for [info]laylah, who is all of the hot and awesome and the letting of me borrowing her toys. the stains'll probably come out.

( Gift of Gab [Jasper/Pearl, R] )
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Apr. 20th, 2006


Art: Pearl

This is Pearl; not too long after Lazuli showed him a bit of kindness, he wrangled right out of the shackles and got his OWN damn apple. Nobody is going to take that apple back. Ever. Anybody who tries is going to get bitten and tied to the wall.

Not really worksafe. He IS nekkid, after all.

Feel the love. )
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