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Jul. 10th, 2006


fic, Cobalt/Topaz

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]silver_ariane)

Wrote this for [info]laylah's birthday, might as well post it here. ^^

Cobalt takes advantage of the new boy. not worksafe.
( Like a Gentleman )
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Jul. 8th, 2006


Choose one!

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]tomoe_daeva)

Happy Birthday, [info]laylah ^_^/
I planned this pic some days ago, and I thought that Laylah's birthday could be a nice excuse to finish it ^_^
So, here you go รน_u/

Choose one - Everybody )
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Jul. 7th, 2006


Fic, In the Meantime, Onyx/Jasper

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]mousapelli)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, [info]laylah!!!!! I'm a little early, but I had to sneak this in while I was home for a day from the beach.

It's, uh, the traditional jr high school AU of the Bijou. which is to say, a random crossover between the Bijou and Aim for the Sky! and probably will only entertain you and me, but there is porn!~ because you are awesome and of the hot and answer all my stupid KH questions and write me TACHIKI OF THE GODS.

Title: In the Meantime [Onyx/Jasper]
Rating/Warnings: NC-17 for boysex and improper use of griptape (wait, that was one of my themes...)
Summary: Onyx's stamina needs work and Jasper is basically helping out not at all.
AN: Bijou/Aim for the Sky! crossover (the sheer ridiculousness of that is your real present, I think, [info]laylah), the only thing that might be relevant is that the senpai/kouhai relationships are in terms of the order they joined the Bijou, not ages. Er, I think.

( In the Meantime [Onyx/Jasper, NC-17] )
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Jun. 27th, 2006



LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]tomoe_daeva)

Based on Hard Bargain.

'Kindness is loving people more than they deserve.' - Cobalt/Jade )
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Jun. 24th, 2006


High Maintenance

I used to henna my hair, so when it came to light that Peridot also uses it, I knew what that meant: every month, he's going to spend a couple of hours with hot, green, muddy goop on his head, topped with an old towel, during which time it is impossible to do anything more demanding than slouch around with a book. And it's not going to be a good book, because that book is going to get stains on it and it sucks to ruin something you like.

Good times. There's a reason he looks really, really bored.

Not really worksafe, there's a butt. :)

So. Here's Peridot, with henna. )
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Jun. 19th, 2006


Enter the Blue Room, baby ♥ !

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]tomoe_daeva)

Instant bunnied by the song "Pretty when you cry" by Vast, suggested by [info]yaoiko_chan on the Cooperative Bijou FST post.
WARNING: Explicit nudity, Thigh Hi boots.

Ready to go? - Cobalt )

Thanks for the attention ^.^
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Jun. 15th, 2006



LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]tomoe_daeva)

*points at time*

NOT WORKSAFE for nudity.

So Beautiful..! - Cobalt )
Someday you'll learn - Cobalt/Jade )
Good Enough - Cobalt/Jade )
Nice, as usual - Cobalt/Jade )
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Jun. 11th, 2006


Fanarts. Obviously.

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]tomoe_daeva)

Laylah, Maho Kiwi. I WANNA SLEEP.
STOP inspiring me. PLEASE T_T


'Cruel Intent' - Jade/Cobalt/Peridot )
'You're SO going to adore me...' - Cobalt/Customer )

Thanks for the attention~

May. 31st, 2006


I - I don't think I have an excuse.

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]lazulisong)

Please excuse the retard and her Pearl obsession. *FLEES*

Pearl-centric, Peridot sings )
Pearl, a hoarding creature )
The advantages of people not knowing what you're calling them )
Lapis thinks some things are pretty even if he can't quite put it in words )
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Fanfiction: The Meaning of Work.

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]shaismile)

Title: The Meaning of Work
Author: [info]shaismile
Warnings and Disclaimers: Not safe for work - shipboard sex. Also, this is my first time playing with [info]laylah's wonderful world of Casmile. I'm hoping I did it justice. Note that I've made a number of assumptions/speculations regarding Garnet and maritime geography which are likely to be wrong. For that I hope I may be forgiven.

Some people didn't know the meaning of work. )
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Fic, not worksafe, Gift of Gab

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]mousapelli)

Title: Gift of Gab [Jasper/Pearl]
Rating/Warnings: R for Jasper being the worst baby-sitter evar.
Summary: Left in Jasper's care, Pearl does some fast talking.
AN: for [info]laylah, who is all of the hot and awesome and the letting of me borrowing her toys. the stains'll probably come out.

( Gift of Gab [Jasper/Pearl, R] )
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May. 23rd, 2006


Cuddling Twins


Lapis and Lazuli, cuddly and asleep. Probably not worksafe for naked boy!cuddles, though you don't see anything bu bare arms and a bit of upper tummy.
Sleepy Twins )
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May. 20th, 2006


LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]mannister)

Hi there!

I was poking around with a new image editor today and got the urge to make one of those rainbowy " love" banners for The Bijou.

Then I went and made a couple of variations. It's big (because of all the boys) and therefore under a cut. If you click on it, the link goes to the gallery with the other versions and the individual tinted icons.

EDIT: I'm silly and forgot to say that the banners are totally up for grabs. Use at will! However, since a new boy (Jet) just got spiffy artwork, I'm adding him to the banner as soon as I get home this afternoon. So, y'know, if you want to grab, you might want to wait.

EDIT2: New banner (smaller L&L, Jet added) posted. Also a whole bunch of icons with the tinted pictures. Safe for work, cause it's just the heads of the boys.

The Bijou is sex-ay boys )

May. 7th, 2006


Art: Everybody

It's bathtime at the Bijou! Everybody in the pool! (worksafe)

I gotta keep myself busy somehow. :) )
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May. 6th, 2006


Art: Lapis and Lazuli

I did the lineart of Lapis and Lazuli, here, before Kiwi did the definitive* version. Alas, I colored it too slow. They probably don't spend much time clothed, but I felt like dressing them up in swank drapey things so there you have it.

Completely worksafe. Image is biggish.

Lazuli fixes Lapis's braid )

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Apr. 24th, 2006


Gabriel and Drake

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]ampersand)

I like these two. Fanart is far more fun than housework. :D

Worksafe. Oh well. Maybe next time.

Look what I've got ...  )
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Apr. 21st, 2006


[Ficlet] Denial, Liam-centric

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]miko_no_da)

To celebrate the inauguration of this community, I'm reposting the ficlet I did for Laylah here. ^_^ You may have already seen it in my journal.

This is entirely [info]laylah's fault. Entirely. *slaps blame stickers on*

All characters and concepts belong to [info]laylah and [info]maho_kiwi. Used with permission.

Title: Denial
Fandom: The Bijou
Pairing: Liam/Topaz
Rating: NC-17

Autumn had always been one of Liam's favourite seasons. )
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Apr. 20th, 2006


Art: Pearl

This is Pearl; not too long after Lazuli showed him a bit of kindness, he wrangled right out of the shackles and got his OWN damn apple. Nobody is going to take that apple back. Ever. Anybody who tries is going to get bitten and tied to the wall.

Not really worksafe. He IS nekkid, after all.

Feel the love. )
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Art: Raji


Raji, That Bastard.

No idea why I drew him of all people, and I note that the scars are supposed to be vertical rather than horizontal, but hey. We all need some creepy, drop-kickable fuckers in our lives. It's why we love Cobalt so.

Warning: large-ish image. Guess who forgot to resize? Yeah. Worksafe, though!



OMG YAY! What a shiny new community!

Everybody better hop to it and get some dirt in here, pronto.

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