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Jul. 23rd, 2007


[art] Amber

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]dr_schreaber)

Here's a couple pics of Amber and his... *cough* most distinguishing feature ~_^. done in photoshop; for [info]laylah cause I missed her b-day and she is awesome.

so totally not worksafe )
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Jul. 12th, 2007


Happy (belated) Birthday Laylah!

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]prozac_pixie)

Better late than never, I guess ^_^; Aaaand it's not brilliant but it's the thought that counts, yus?

Anyway, happy birthday and thanks for all the porn and for creating the bijou ^_^ Not worksafe but not explicit.

Jasper and Opal )
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Jul. 9th, 2007


Dark and Stormy Night - Film-noir!Animalverse!AU

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]white_aster)

Late, but hey, it's still the 9th where I am...barely! :)

This is silly, indulgent, and slightly ooc Bijou fanfic for ze lovely [info]laylah on her birthday! She asked for film-noir!Bijou AU, and I got far as the private!eye!Jade and...the rest took a lefthand turn into TOTAL CRACK. Did I mention that this is also anthropomorphic animal!Bijou-verse, too? Heh. Yeah. I...I have no idea why these two beat me over the head with THIS bunny, when they could have skipped the unpleasantness and gone straight to something, oh, CONSENSUAL AND FUN. But then, this IS Jade and Co. we're talking about. :P It was also originally two parts, but the first part never quite felt right to me, and I figured out, OH, so there's supposed to be woobie comfortsex after this! Of COURSE! ^__^

Ok, enough silliness and on to the silly porn. :)

The Dark and Stormy Night
by White Aster

Warnings: Sex, animal/furryness, non-con, and, in the end, woob.
Rating: NC-17

It was a dark and stormy night. Really dark. So dark that Jade was sure that the guys in the warehouse with him could see HIM much better than he could see THEM. Damned cats.

Luckily, the felids ALSO smelled strongly of dead fish.

Jade's nose twitched, and he adjusted his aim a few degrees to the left before firing. Read more... )
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Jun. 18th, 2007


Startin the Party Early

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]mitsuhachi)

So, once upon a time, [info]laylah asked for Bijou AUs for her birthday, and then around three days later, [info]maho_kiwi introduced me to Lackadaisy Cats. I. Um. There was just no resisting Garnet as a Hoochie Queen.

There may be 20's incarnations of the other boys coming too. We'll see if I can get my Yuri Challenge pics done in time, but I really want to...

Full View and Some Details Below: Flapper!Garnet with bonus Rifle-Corps!Gideon and Society-Gangster!Sebastian )

May. 19th, 2007


Fic: Mercury Bright (Jasper/Peridot, NC-17)

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]sister_coyote)

[info]laylah wrote some marvelous Bijou cyberpunk AU, and also put the idea for cyberpunk-AU Peridot being rebooted in my head. This is what came out of that. Many thanks to [info]laylah for letting me borrow her characters and her AU!

Mercury Bright
Peridot gets rebooted. Jasper takes advantage.
Bijou cyberpunk AU, Jasper/Peridot. 1621 words.
Not worksafe for sex. Consent dubious due to altered state of consciousness.

The sky outside was clear graphite-grey... )

Apr. 15th, 2007


I couldn't help myself >_>;

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]tomoe_daeva)

Just a coloured sketch that I did because I was in the mood for drawing some grumpy rich bastard ♥

Alexander under the cut )
I guess that he doesn't look like Alexander at all, though ^^;
I'm going to draw more with his hair properly adjusted in the ponytail >_> !
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Mar. 16th, 2007


Tarot Cards

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]mitsuhachi)

III The Empress: Garnet. Worksafe )

XVIII The Moon: Lapis. NSFW for non-sexual nudety )
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Mar. 11th, 2007



LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]mitsuhachi)

I made five bijou icons based on my fanart for the series, posted over at my journal:

Mar. 5th, 2007


Three Bijou Pics

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]mitsuhachi)

1) Mercenaries: There is a reason I don't usually draw manly men; also known as oh god I don't ever want to draw that much leather again. And, Wow, there's so much wrong with this piece. I almost didn't post it. Fox and Hound )

2)Jasper: Laylah mentioned wanting the boys in elaborate costumes. That's totally my justification for these next two, and they have nothing whatsoever to do with finishing the above piece and really wanting to draw boys in makeup. Also, somehow I got it into my head that jasper didn't grow out his hair until he came to the bijou, which is- on looking again- not in fact the case. Um. I suck? Elaborate Costuming, Take 1 )

3)Jet:I, uh. I have no justification for the visual lit-reference here. I just am a dork and couldn't help myself. I like this one best of the three. Elaborate Costuming, take 2 )
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Mar. 1st, 2007


LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]prozac_pixie)

So after a discussion about Moulin Rouge meets Bijou these happened...

Taking inspiration from Toulouse Lautrec's printed posters I decided to leave the colour flat (and it's definitely not because this is where my colouring skills end ^^;).

And, um, hope no one minds the boobs ^^; )

P.S. Please excuse the bad quality, I have no scanner and am somewhat inept with photoshop and... retouching and... stuff?

Feb. 26th, 2007


[FIC] Mist Will Fade.

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]allira_dream)

Title: Mist Will Fade.
Fandom: [info]precious_stones
Warnings: Remember to brush your teeth and floss after having Fluff. Failing to do this causes cavities.
Characters/couples: Aidan, Jet, Liam, Topaz, mentions of other Jewels.
Summary: Two moments: Aidan and Liam, and another one with Jet and Topaz.
Rating: PG.
Notes: I fail at porn. The Woob owns me. *ashamed* Hopefully, [info]laylah and [info]maho_kiwi won't decide to revoke my Bijou!fancard after this. *hides*

The Fox and the Hound! *lame* Feel free to take 'em to a good home.
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Mist Will Fade. )
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Feb. 17th, 2007



LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]mitsuhachi)

Liam an Aginau, and mashing of my new-found button for old tattoos.

They'd faded to an odd greenish dark, with no one to fill them again this far south. )
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Dec. 25th, 2006


Christmas giftie for the Bijou

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]cleflink) Hi, I'm new here! *waves*

So not quite as early as I would have liked to put this up, but here it is anyway! This is a Christmas gift fic for [info]laylah because she gives us pron writes awesome fic. It's an AU set in the Elizabethan period starring Jasper and Cobalt. Cobalt is not especially happy, but Jasper's always wanted to be a pirate so he's pleased enough for both of them.

Warnings and etc are at the top of the page behind the cut .

Hope you all enjoy!

It was a good day for sailing...
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(FIC) The Night Has Wings - G

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]white_aster)

This is a Yule present for Laylah, who asked for several possibilities, but I detected that she perked most at the idea of an AU!Cobalt with slate-blue wings. And of course, if HE got to be all prettily animalistic, then everyone else had to, too. ^___^ Enjoy!


Garnet was not worried. She wasn't. Despite the fact that Cobalt was behind schedule and not back yet. Despite the dire rumors of more guards on the watch tonight for no particular reason. Despite the fact that her feathers felt ruffled and sitting the wrong way and every noise set her on edge, from the clients' carriages rumbling away to the boys' laughter to the closing of doors on the floors below.

She was not worried. Read more... )
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Nov. 27th, 2006


LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]mitsuhachi)

Hi everyone! This is lissiel's new fandom journal, so hello again. Did this peice as a holiday present for [info]laylah.

Aug. 17th, 2006


Cobalt-sama birthday's art ♥

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]tomoe_daeva)

YAY! I was able to finish it in time!!
...Must buy a new pencil... DAMN.

The Best Cake - Cobalt/Jade/Peridot )

Aug. 13th, 2006


newbie with ficstuff!

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]chibirisuchan)

It's, er, kind of not pr0n, I'm sorry! ^^;;; But it's a birthdayfic for Laylah, who pointed me over here, and I went *__* ooo shiny.

So here's a link:

beware of kittens!

...'scuse me, I think I have some drooling over the community to go do...
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Aug. 7th, 2006



LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]allira_dream)

Hello, newish reader of the Bijou, and I come offering some icons.

These are... well, see, I'm kind of a casting-maniac and since I've too many models pictures, so I did a few icons based on how I think the Bijou (plus Liam *swoons at the Barbarian*) would look, trying to fit them as best as possible.

Hope this is okay ^^U

The Jewels. )

Er... yeah, so, hi!

Jul. 31st, 2006


Cobalt Icons

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]tomoe_daeva)

Well, I was determined to make a Cobalt icon for myself but... In the end I made some samples and I wasn't able to choose T_T
So here they are for public pillory abuse usage ♥

Proud Little Bitch )
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Jul. 18th, 2006


Fanarts è_é/

LJ-SEC: (ORIGINALLY POSTED BY [info]tomoe_daeva)


Ownership - Onyx/Cobalt/Jade )
'Proud of yourself, little bitch?' - Capt. Westfall/Cobalt )

Thanks for your attention ♥

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