August 3rd, 2016



who count raphael von rafe and dulce de leche
what moving things around in the apartment
when when it is dark out, okay?
where their apartment
rating/status um tbd and closed

its all about you, when the music makes you move )



Who: Lydia and Grey
Where: Cafe
When: Wednesday Afternoon
Why: It was offered
Status: Closed/On-Going
Ratings: Low

Lydia was getting anywhere just sitting around in her apartment, and as much as she loved playing CAH with her friends, she felt she needed to make some actual face to face friends, outside those from the Institute and the Pack. So, when the offer for coffee was brought up, she thought what the hell? Meeting new people would be good for her. So once that location was given, Lydia would be out the door. Her attire was simple. A red and white flora dress with flats. Nothing too crazy. Her vibrant red hair would be in a messy bun as she came to make way to that location. Once there, Lydia would glance about, since she didn’t spot Grey right away she went inside to order herself a Java chip frap. Since the day wasn’t so horrible, Lydia decided to wait outside under a shaded table.

Drink in one hand, as she had her phone in the other. That popular Pokémon game would be on her screen. Something not many of her friends knew about. Still Lydia sipped her drink and caught rewards from that Poke stop. Soon her phone would be shut off as she came to exhale for the moment. Green eyes would look up and glance about for the moment as she waited patiently for Grey to show up.