June 7th, 2015



Who: Ianto Jones/Ianto Jones
Where: The Hanged Man
When: Sat evening
What: Both Iantos decide to check out the Hanged Man's new management.
Status: Closed/ongoing
Warnings: Shouldn't be

+++ )



Who: Davina Claire & Stefan Salvatore
When: Around when she found out what they did to Kol.
Where: His place
What: It's the triumph return of rage!Davina.
Status: Closed; Incomplete

If anyone tries to hurt anyone I care about, I'll kill them. )



Who: Hanna & Faye
What: Going out and getting into troubles.
When: Tonightish
Where: Aroundish.
Warnings: Probably, but none right now.

the night is still young, the night is still young, the night is still young, and so are we )