
I had a roommate. Pansy Parkinson. But.. I don't see her. Maybe she was at the store for supplies? But haven't heard back yet. I was planning to ask her some things. About home. One good thing about being here, doesn't seem to be a war.


I really miss my dad. Could do with some sort of distraction. Anyone up to being a distraction?


I really don't like it here. School is out of my comfort zone and I really want to go home. I miss my father and I hate being alone even though I have friends..


Bloody hell! What is going on? Muggles all around I can already tell it's not England. Nowhere even remotely near it. Potter, did you Probably not as you may not even be that skilled, even by accident I must return to my home, to my manor. To Wiltshire. You shall regret taking a Malfoy against his will.


Okay what the bloody hell is this? It's not England so someone tell me what happened and where am I. I guess it's better than nothing since wherever I ended up there must be a school. Might as well try to fit in.

Anna? Rae? Are you two here? This is going to be interesting. A witch living among muggles...