March 20th, 2008

[info]luzzu in [info]balfonheim_port

WTF Boots?

Fandom:Devil May Cry
Summary:Dante has fallen, in a most unexpected place.
Author notes:Don't ask. I have a friend. She is insane. I like her muchly for this.
Disclaimer:Devil May Cry belongs to Capcom, as does the characters and the object of affection in question. Honestly, look at this fic. Do you think they'd let me have it?

wtf boots? )

[info]luzzu in [info]balfonheim_port

Devil May Cry shorts

Title:Death and Taxes
Fandom:Devil May Cry
Summary:Dante doesn't like paperwork...
Author notes:Dante doing ’normal’ things always makes me laugh, so for this one I decided to have him do something that is the bane of our lives, but at least we can put our name. I am aware that a lot of people see ‘Sparda’ as Dante’s surname, but I’ve yet to see it on anything canon (point me in the right direction if I’m wrong), so I take it that Dante doesn’t have a surname. He wouldn’t be the first, my Great Grandmother didn’t have one either.
Disclaimer:All owned by Capcom, and they can keep it too.

Death and Taxes )

Title:The Little Things
Fandom:Devil May Cry
Summary:Eva finds some days harder than others.
Author notes:If anyone ever finds out I'm secretly a complete sucker for Eva/Sparda, I may never live it down.
Disclaimer:Still not owning Devil May Cry.

The little things )