February 4th, 2008

[info]luzzu in [info]balfonheim_port

The Calm after the Storm (working title) Chapter 11

Fandom:Final Fantasy VII
Rating:PG-13 for the mo.
Summary:Chaos has returned to the planet along with Omega, but for Vincent there are still issues to deal with left in their wake. For the rest of Gaia, there's a planet that needs to heal and rebuild. The WRO on one side, opposing factions on the other, life doesn't seem to get any smoother.
Author notes:Seriously don't ask. I have no idea what is going on here, I haven't even run a basic grammar check on this because I got sick of staring at it to see if it made any sense, so I'm relying on you my poor long suffering readers to tell me if this chapter is total wtf or not (long author notes are long).
Disclaimer:I barely claim to own this fic some days, let alone any of the characters.

Chapter 11 )