January 21st, 2008

[info]luzzu in [info]balfonheim_port

The Calm after the Storm (working title) Chapter 7

Summary:Chaos has returned to the planet along with Omega, but for Vincent there are still issues to deal with left in their wake. For the rest of Gaia, there's a planet that needs to heal and rebuild. The WRO on one side, opposing factions on the other, life doesn't seem to get any smoother.
Author notes:I have no idea what I'm doing with this, and it probably shows! Anyway, still unbeta'd because I don't want to bother my beta when she's got her own stuff to do, so you'll have to rely on my poor editing skills.
Disclaimer:I own nothing to do with FFVII except this story idea, which Square Enix wouldn't want anyway.

Chapter 7 )

[Chapter 1][Chapter 2][chapter 3][Chapter 4][Chapter 5][Chapter 6]