Original Superhero RPG

July 3rd, 2009

July 3rd, 2009

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Characters: Rachel Doyle, Vittoria
Setting: Late night, some hidden street
Content: Safe For Work
Summary: It's over midnight, and The Mind has just made some payments. There is someone watching her that could use some cash.

Loyalty you get with money. )

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Characters: Zanna Zapata, Emery Hanford
Setting: Rudy's Diner, Thursday evening.
Content: Work-safe!
Summary: The city's oddest teenage BFFs are... odd.

Um, no, pretty sure he was a ninja. )

First Dates

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Characters: Aiden Adams, Alexander Moretti, Validus
Setting: Le Ambassadore
Content: Currently Worksafe
Summary: A date at one of Axis City's most prestigious restaurants.

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With a Glass of Wine

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Characters: Aiden Adams, Sophia Redford.
Setting: Aiden’s apartment.
Content: Worksafe.
Summary: After a hard few days Aiden takes time off and seeks advice from an old friend.

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