Original Superhero RPG

Recent Entries

August 22nd, 2009

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Characters: Cassie & Stanley
Setting: Outside a convenience store
Content: Work Safe
Summary: Firefly (Cassie) tries to save the day, Stanley helps out

Cassie wished she had better control over her abilities... )

August 13th, 2009

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Characters: King ([info]oldwounds) & Rachel ([info]mindpowers)
Setting: King's office.
Content: PG-13, tops.
Summary: King could always use a good lawyer.

King had even cleaned his office up a bit. )

August 12th, 2009

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Characters: Stanley W. May and Katherine Williams
Setting: Señoritas, trendy cafe in Axis City
Content: Work safe...not so much. (NSFW)
Summary: Stan is hanging out, researching, and decides to fix things.

Beware the hour of the wolf. )

August 11th, 2009

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Characters: Cal and Sebastian
Setting: Cal's apartment, the day after Aiden's visit
Content: Work safe
Summary: Cal and Sebastian hang out together after Cal's rough week

July 26th, 2009

They all fall down

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Characters: Calvin Ryan and Sadie Stone (OPEN)
Setting: Axis City University Campus
Content: Safe
Summary: Calvin follows up on a vision and meets Sadie

July 23rd, 2009

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Characters: Aiden Adams, Calvin Ryan
Setting: Calvin’s Apartment
Content: Safe
Summary: Aiden chases down a likely story.

Sometimes leads don’t pan out )

July 22nd, 2009

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Characters: Adalene (as Veronica) and Shi
Setting: Le Sang Rouge
Content: Most likly safe
Summary: Shi goes to drink and smoke and such; Adalene goes to talk.

Am I part of the cure or am I part of the disease? )

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Characters: Jessica and Richard Hastings (and Sophia Redford, at least in spirit and in voice)
Setting: About 11:00 PM, Richard Hastings' Apartment, Polybius Towers
Content: 100% Safe
 Summary: Jessica Hastings is back in town and she surprises Richard with a visit to his apartment

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Characters: Peter Monroe, & Calvin Ryan
Setting: Afternoon, Axis City University
Content: Work Safe
Summary: Peter attempts to visit the local university and meets Calvin Ryan

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Characters: Calvin Ryan and Harrison Boot
Setting: About 9:30 PM, Axis City University
Content: Work Safe
Summary: Cal and Harrison meet one another

A rainy evening after class )

July 20th, 2009

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Characters: Teagan Mitchell, Ji Shi, and Cal Ryan
Setting: Axis City Books
Content: 100% safe.
Summary: Introduction piece. A meeting of the short folk.

Made of sterner stuff... )

July 19th, 2009

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Characters: Max & Edward (later, Simone)
Setting: City street, night.
Content: Work safe,.
Summary: Max gets himself into trouble, and Edward saves his butt.

For the record, Max was not out after curfew. )

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Characters: Katherine Williams, Teagan Mitchell, OPEN.
Setting: Near a park of some sort.
Content: Work Safe.
Summary: Katherine smokes a cigarette and ends up meeting people.

It's all about being unattainable, isn't it? )

July 14th, 2009

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Characters: Mimic (aka Megan Stacy), any female super villain or undecided.
Setting: A dark alley somewhere on the wrong side of Axis City.
Content: Currently Worksafe.
Summary: Mimic meets someone she hopes to form a powerful partnership with and outlines her plans for Moretti.

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Characters: Bast and Live Wire (aka Madison Blake and Richard Hastings)
Setting: The rooftop of Axis City museum of Art.
Content: Safe For Work
Summary: Cat burglar Bast steals an expensive little miniature and runs afoul of superhero Live Wire.
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July 12th, 2009

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Characters: Ji Shi, Max Ichiro
Setting: The park on Thursday after Max gets ungrounded.
Content: Shouldn't be that bad
Summary: Things you shouldn't do in public...

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A Business Arrangement

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Characters: Leo Kennedy and Alexander Moretti
Setting: Moretti's Office / A Black Sedan somewhere on the streets of downtown Axis
Content: Safe For Work
Summary: The re-establishment of a business arrangement and a new job for Leo.

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July 10th, 2009

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Characters: Rachel Doyle, Harrison Boot.
Setting: Rachel's Office.
Content: Safe For Work.
Summary: Everyone needs a break when it's 2am.

So, feel like sushi? )

July 9th, 2009

Calling All Supers!

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Characters: Richard Hastings, Edward Shaw, Open
Setting: Axis City Research Trust Conference Hall
Content: Worksafe
Summary: A Press Release on the ACRT's latest project.

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Characters: Simone Weaver, Max Ichiro.
Setting: Simone Weaver’s house.
Content: Worksafe.
Summary: Simone waits up to catch Max sneaking in.

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