Oct. 26th, 2019



Hihi. I'm Misha. I was here several moons ago. Left because RL was dumb. I'm back now, with a brand new muse. So new this is the first time I'm playing his ornery ass. This is Hawkins, Indiana Chief of Police, Jim Hopper. Hopper (or Hop if you're privileged enough to call him that) is coming off the events of S3, but due to his undetermined fate, I'm bringing him from the last moment he's seen in S3, nodding at Joyce (and giving her A Look), effectively sacrificing himself for to save the world at large.

He's going to be mighty confused to find himself here, and will be convinced it's some kind of purgatory/hell dimension. He's been to an alternate dimension, so it's really not a stretch to him to think that's what's happened. He is going to encounter Steve Harrington right out of the gate, which should be fun for him to deal with. Otherwise, he is open to all the things.

I'm already considering a second muse, but I want to get Hop settled first. Moe than likely, I will bring Michael Guerin from Roswell, New Mexico because he's my number one boy right now. But I'm super excited to play Hop, I think he's going to be a lot of fun. He is open to all the things, right after he has a Steve-induced headache >:)

As for me, I'm on Discord at Misha#9641, I've joined the group chat (though I have a tendency to lurk). You can also reach me via email (CeruleanMisha2@gmail.com) or through the contact post in Hop's journal. I live in Florida, my internet service is craptastic and likes to die randomly, I'm in school, close to finishing classes for medical coding and billing, currently unemployed but tasked with taking care of my parents and a very excitable pup who demands walkies and undivided attention at the most inopportune times. I've been on a 6 week migraine bender, can't seem to shake it and because I'm unemployed I don't have insurance, so I'm off my migraine meds. I have good days and bad days, there are times I'm on Discord but not up for logs and such, but I'm hoping with the weather cooling down (slightly, it is still in the high 80s/low 90s here), that the headaches will become less frequent.

I'm happy to be here, and will be posting for that Hop/Steve log soon, after which he'll post on the network and hopefully start building CR :) This got long, so congrats if you've read this far!



Characters added:

Also, it's that time of month for Activity Checks. I've got a good handle on who's done what so don't worry about showing all your work. All I need is one link to a thread. (Unless you're Mel, in which case we've talked about it and I gotchu, girl). Get that link in by the end of the 31st, etc etc. You know the drill. Failure to give me proof of life gets you dropped.

Oct. 24th, 2019



What;s this, what's this...

Heya, I have been VERY ABSENT and I wanted to apologize and also let you know what's going on. But under a cut so you can skip it. )

Oct. 23rd, 2019




Hi all! My name's Robin and I'm new in town. And I'm bringing in fresh-faced Steve Harrington from Netflix's Stranger Things!

This is my first character in this game, and my first time back on IJ in...roughly seven years. But I'm back! I'm home and I'm totally ready to jump in. This game looks so fun, and I've already said hello to some of you in the Discord (and everyone is so nice!) To those of you I haven't met yet, hello! I'm on PST, and I work long hours at my job, but I'm usually available via Discord to chat (I promise I don't bite!)

Now, Stevie boy! Steve just recently graduated high school and narrowly avoided dying horribly for the third time. He's from a little town in Hawkins, Indiana and he...may or may not be under the impression that it's 1985.

I just put up an open post on the threads comm, and I look forward to meeting everyone! ^_^



Character added:

Oct. 21st, 2019




Time for some horror plot! )

Oct. 5th, 2019



It's midnight somewhere right? That totally means the plot can be a thing now! So, here's my kiddos that are de-aged! Side by side comparison! Tony Stark, Sirius Black and Crowley are still part of the long suffering adult club.

here! )
Now who wants some freakin' threads!

Sep. 30th, 2019



Plot time! Good fun trope time!

Starting on Sunday, October 6th, characters in town will wake up de-aged! Players that want to participate can choose any age for their characters to be spanning from younger childhood to —well. Anything younger than what they are now! (No babies please, that’s not safe!)

Affected characters while de-aged will have mostly memories from the age they were at that point, with a few vague memories from now and in-between mixed in so that all these poor kids aren’t just forced to feel like they’ve gotta deal with stranger danger and asking for their parents the whole time.

Little tiny FAQ:

+ Do I have to participate?
Not actively? But this stuff will be happening around your characters, so you can’t really ignore it either.

+ If I choose to participate, do all my characters have to de-age?
No. Some are completely allowed to just be normal aged, horrified and awkward a la Arnold Schwarzenegger in Kindergarten Cop.

+ Will the doors still be open for this plot?
Oh yes.

+ If my character was never a child, can they be de-aged?
No? I don’t think so? Change my mind if you want it.

+ How long does this plot last?
8 days! 10-6 to 10-13! Backdating is, as ever, totally fine.

+ Why?
Because this place is weird, and weird things happen sometimes.

Anyhow! Now there's time for questions, planning and plotting -- also finding some icons if you’re into that sort of thing!

Sep. 27th, 2019



Hey fellow nerds, it's Mal again. I've decided I needed another character so here we are with our favorite spy, Natasha Romanoff. She's coming fresh off her death on Vormir and she doesn't have a clue about any of the other Nat's that may or may not have been in town. So have fun with all her feels and stuff.

She's figuring out what to do with herself now that the world has been saved and how she is gonna move forward from that with the knowledge that she had to die to make it happen. So like let's do this my good dudes!

Hi friends! It's Grace and I'm bringing the butt of all dick jokes into the game. This is Dick Grayson, aka Nightwing.

He's kind of a lovely mess of fun, stress, sad, confident, witty, good boy, all blended into a sack of Dick. ...I told you there'd be jokes.

Anyway. He's coming in from a kind of meh moment in his life where he had to sort of fulfill a destiny but that meant not doing something he really wanted to do but left with the promise they'd do it when he got back. But instead ended up here. So here we are.

As always, hit me up for things. Or I'll hit you up for things.



Characters Added

Character Dropped

Also don't forget to check out this mod post here if you haven't already! Looks like we've got votes on an age plot coming up first, but more ideas and input are always welcome! Stayed tuned for more info!

Sep. 24th, 2019



So this is Richie Tozier. He's coming in from the end of Stephen King's It: Chapter Two.

When life is going normally and not being an absolute horror show, Richie is a standup comedian who while, pretty good, kinda never got past the idea that Your Mom jokes are really funny. He also does voices. They probably aren't as politically correct as they ought to be, but he's gotten better than since he was a kid. Anyway. He's kinda ADHD and can never really stop what's coming out of his mouth and loves loves loves hiding the fact that he is riddled with insecurities. Yay!

I dunno who's worried about spoilers or not, considering it's been a few weeks. But let's just say that Richie's had a very, very bad week. So he's probbbably going to think this whole set up is a horror alien clown coming back to further ruin his life. Watch out, guys. From here on out it's gonna be fuck word after fuck word. Once he figures things out he won't mean it and will be sorry for his general everything. Mostly.



Hey hey hey!

It's been a heckin' sort of month, hasn't it?
It has.

So let's even out the weird with some good! Activity checks this month require only a check in to say you're still here and ready for All The Threads! Just post your name and your characters and you passss! If you somehow fail to do that by the end of the month, I will have to drop you and I will be sad about it.


Well, Halloween is coming. So look forward to some spooky spooky plots! But in the mean time, how about something a little more fun AND hectic? What are we feeling guys? Age plot? Body swap? Let's get the good tropes rollin'! Lemme know what you think or else I'll be forced to flip a coin. Ugh.

I've also updated the Pokemans list. Any of the good buddies in white are currently homeless and up for grabs!

Character added

Sep. 14th, 2019



Hey, Mel in with my second! Bringing Lunafreya Nox Fleuret from Final Fantasy XV! She's very kind although she can come across as an ice queen princess. Open to any plotting!

Sep. 1st, 2019



Characters Dropped

Partner Threads for September!

Mal & Nel
Joey & Alex
Frost & Missy
Jeanna & Nae Nae
Dan & Nina

Aug. 31st, 2019



Last day for activity checks, everyone! Get 'em in before this evening!

Aug. 23rd, 2019



Star Wars, woot

Hi, all! I'm Mel, and I'm bringing in my first character, Jedi Master Siri Tachi. She's a fave of mine, from the now-Legends books (and vidgames, and also cut scenes from Attack of the Clones, sigh). Siri is roughly the same age as Obi-Wan and was a fellow padawan; her master was Adi Gallia. She fought in the Clone Wars and was good friends with Anakin and Padme and that whole set. She died about midway through the Clone Wars sadly, and I'm bringing her in right at the point of her death.

I'm up for any and all plot planning! I'm on EST and I'm usually a decent tagger. I would love to chat up everyone and anyone.

Aug. 22nd, 2019



Characters Dropped

Characters Added

Also, friendly reminder that activity checks are coming up! Keep in mind that the rules on them did change (which you all read and then told me you read, so no surprises there right? Right!). They're due on the last day of the month, as always, so get 'em in. If you need help making activity, there are and have been one billion group plots and threads this month, so probably jump in on one of them!

Aug. 18th, 2019



Characters Added

Characters Dropped

Aug. 14th, 2019



I hate to be that person who joins and drops a few weeks later, after being largely MIA, but I've got a lot on my plate right now and I should have known better. Jughead and I are bowing out. I enjoyed my time here, and getting to interact with a few people. Take care!