March 8th, 2010

[info]leftthenest in [info]awod


Who: Arrys Arryn
When: Backdated to May 12
Where: King's Landing
Rating: PG
Status: Complete/Closed

here he is )

[info]the_seven in [info]awod

Week 3: May 15-21

May 15-21

Overcast with rain all day the 15, cool temperatures the 16th as well. May 17, cloudy with thick fog until the evening. Strong storms and high winds on the 18th, clearing off and warm the rest of the week.

May 15: Lyanora and Jahar wager on archery.

May 16: Kaelyn Stark receives a letter.

May 17: Lyanora and Kaelyn Stark argue.

May 18:

May 19: Lord and Lady Stark have a conversation.

May 20: Ravens come from the Citadel with news of the death of Archmaester Vaelon Dayne. Arrival of Lord Tyrell and his company. Lord Tyrell and Lady Baratheon meet in secret.

May 21: Princess Elia and her ladies and friends to go riding in the Kingswood. Lyanora speaks with Lord Selester.

If you have any major events on a certain day (arrival of a new character, introduction of a new plot, etc) and you’d like it noted on the calendar, reply here.

[info]lordofroses in [info]awod

May 20: Enter Tyrell, stage right.

Who: Selester, William, Lyanora; then to the throne room and Jaehaerys
What: Lord Selester arrives at the Red Keep.
When: May 20th, early afternoon.
Where: At the gates to the Red Keep, then in the Throne Room itself.
Rating: Likely to be PG, but you never know.
Status: Scene completed.

May Showers bring Golden Flowers? )