Thursday, March 19th, 2015

WHO: Kassi Khan-Carrelli + Peggy Rogers
WHEN: Thursday, March 19, 2015
WHERE: Kassi's private room at the Stark Memorial-Staten Island private wing
WHAT: Kassi wakes up after her injuries last week, after a medically-induced coma.

Was wondering when I'd see you. )
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Saturday, March 14th, 2015

WHO: Peggy and Nick Rogers
WHEN: Backdated to evening of his return
WHERE: Peg's place!
WHAT: Nick returns and Peg convinced him to come over to her place, he can drink and crash with her
No real warnings except swearing is a given I'd think.

People said Nick was difficult, but she found him easy )
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Tuesday, February 24th, 2015

WHO: Peggy and Owen Rogers
WHEN: Late afternoon
WHERE: Owen's place!
WHAT: Owen is a worrywart about injuries so Peggy has been avoiding him for the last week and a bit, she shows up at his door to fix that and show him that really she's okay. Essentially Rogers sibling stuff just because.

Out of all her family it was Owen that Peggy always felt bad about avoiding or ignoring )
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Sunday, February 15th, 2015

WHO: Peggy and Jes Rogers
WHEN: Sunday (the 15th) evening
WHERE: Jes's apartment
WHAT: Peggy's a bit beat up so to avoid the pestering of the rest of her family she goes to hide out where they would least expect right now...

Which was why she was here, the door of the place they wouldn't think to look. Jes's apartment. )
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Sunday, February 1st, 2015

WHO: Peggy Rogers and Bex LeBeau
WHEN: First career week day together
WHERE: In city
WHAT: Peggy plans to show Bex the life of a superhero, but Bex slips away and gets in trouble

Career day fun...ish? )
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Tuesday, January 20th, 2015

WHO: Peggy Rogers and Titus Thorson
WHEN: Afternoon, middle of an independent hero's work day
WHERE: Small underground pub, far corner booth
WHAT: After a good race/spar combo, the two hang out
Swearing warning? idk

Nice thing about Titus was that he was game for about anything )
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Monday, January 12th, 2015

WHO: Peggy Rogers and Cal Barton
WHEN: 1925 of course
WHERE: NY streets
WHAT: Stuck in time for now on a team mission gone wrong, Peggy is not herself, to cheer her upp they go on a find a 5 year old Steve Rogers. Screw time mess ups.

People thought timetravel was just another Tuesday )
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Sunday, January 4th, 2015

WHO: Peggy Rogers and Cal Barton
WHEN: Flashback to 2010, after Cal has quit the Avengers
WHERE: Outside the door to her apartment
WHAT: Peggy has been pointedly ignoring Cal's texts because she's pissed about him quitting over Marvel-Justice being found out. He goes to find her to ask if she got his texts.
Warnings: Swearing on her part?

But what the hell had he been doing, quitting like that? )
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Friday, November 14th, 2014

Who: Ash Worthington and Peggy Rogers
When: Friday, November 14, afternoon
Where: Ash's garage
What: Ash is working on a surprise rocking chair for Peggy. Peggy wanders by the open garage. Surprise!

Even though it was getting colder, Ash preferred to work with the garage door open. )
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Sunday, November 2nd, 2014

WHO: Owen + Peggy Rogers
WHEN: Flashback to 2009!
WHERE: Their childhood home
WHAT: Owen settles in at home for the first time after the District X Incident, and has a heart-to-heart with his baby sister.

... )
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Friday, October 10th, 2014

Who: Ash Worthington & Peggy Rogers
When: Friday, October 10
Where: A police precinct in upstate NY
What: Peggy, helping with the raid on a cult, deals with the fallout of learning that Ashriel the angel is actually the long-lost Asher Worthington. Ash deals with the fact that everything he's ever known is a lie.

He barely understood what was happening. )
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Friday, September 19th, 2014

WHO: Owen Rogers, Peggy Rogers, Milo Pym, and some gobbulins!
WHEN: Thursday, September 18
WHERE: The edges of New Avalon
WHAT: The goblins breach New Avalon and make their way in, prompting two of the Rogers siblings to rescue one of their own from an attack. Oh no!

When events like this happened, it was still hard to sit idly by. )
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Monday, September 1st, 2014

Home sweet home in progress

Who: Peggy Rogers and Caylie Gwyn (and Cal Barton if he wants to drop by. He's 500% welcome.)
When: Tuesday evening
Where: 4 Grey Road, Peggy's new place
What: Impromptu housewarming and catching up/reconnecting with old friends

Unpacking at a snail's pace )
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Sunday, August 31st, 2014

labor day party!

WHO: Everyone!
WHEN: September 1st, 2014, Labor Day
WHERE: Various!
WHAT: Big old Labor Day party. All responses to this post count for September, even if they're technically posted on August 31st.

Amid the thunder and downpours, the Labor Day party had been moved indoors. In lieu of an outdoor grill, Cal Barton had set up a griddle near the buffet table. It may not be muddy football and hanging out by the pool, but they make it work.

So far, nothing had been irreparably damaged and no children had been otherwise scarred for life.

(ooc; We have a few settings in the comments, but feel free to add your own!)
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