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New Avalon: Logs

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[31 Mar 2015|12:32am]

WHO: Cal Barton + Caylie Gwynn
WHEN: Monday, March 30
WHERE: Trapped in the corridors of the funhouse
WHAT: Cal and Caylie find themselves separated from the other Sentries, and so far there seems to be no way out.

Read more... )

[22 Mar 2015|04:27pm]

Who: Charlie Grey and Franklin Richards
When: Friday, March 20, evening
Where: Franklin's house
What: The boys spend a cozy weekend together

He'd just gotten things settled and was looking forward to relaxing with Franklin. )

[20 Mar 2015|09:21pm]

WHO: The LeBabies
WHEN: March 20th, 9pm
WHERE: Pizza Diner Place Thingy down the street on the right. (He got the direction wrong.)
WHAT: Now for the LeBabies' dinner! aka Gettin' the Band Back together

Ohana means Family )

[20 Mar 2015|08:45pm]

WHO: Hem and Emmerson LeBeau
WHEN: March 3rd, dinner (Backdated)
WHERE: Hem's apartment.
WHAT: The Elder LeBeau's dinner date, pick a take out place.

I know family comes first, but shouldn’t that mean after breakfast? )

[19 Mar 2015|10:38pm]

WHO: Kassi Khan-Carrelli + Peggy Rogers
WHEN: Thursday, March 19, 2015
WHERE: Kassi's private room at the Stark Memorial-Staten Island private wing
WHAT: Kassi wakes up after her injuries last week, after a medically-induced coma.

Was wondering when I'd see you. )

[20 Mar 2015|11:28am]

WHO: Kareem Guthrie and Ash Worthington
WHEN: Thursday afternoon
WHERE: Ash's place
WHAT: Cousins meet for the first time!

Back from the presumed-dead cousins were a very new thing )

[16 Mar 2015|10:36pm]

WHO: Cliff Bishop and Alec Deeks
WHEN: after classes, after Alec's janitorial duties, March 16th
WHERE: New Avalon Academy dorm hall
WHAT: Alec's still intent on wooing Cliff; everything else that happens is completely unintentional

Alec had a weird mixture of chaotically intimidating and affectionate going on here. )

[14 Mar 2015|03:32pm]

WHO: Peggy and Nick Rogers
WHEN: Backdated to evening of his return
WHERE: Peg's place!
WHAT: Nick returns and Peg convinced him to come over to her place, he can drink and crash with her
No real warnings except swearing is a given I'd think.

People said Nick was difficult, but she found him easy )

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