Nov. 17th, 2011


Who: Ignatius & Orion
What: Rounds
When: Wednesday, November 16
Where: Hogwarts
Warnings/Status: TBD/In progress

Ignatius had been mostly silent since they'd started their rounds )

Oct. 31st, 2011


Who: Lucretia and Orion
What: Nighttime walking
When: Sunday, 30 October, evening
Where: Outside
Warnings // Status: N/A // In progress

Sep. 21st, 2011


Who: Orion and Alphard
What: The Prefect's bath has BUBBLES.
When: After rounds, Sept. 21st, 1943
Where: Prefect's baths
Warnings/Status: Yes (one-sided incestuous crush? Is that a warning?)/Incomplete

Why do Prefects even have their own bath? )

Sep. 17th, 2011


WHO: Orion and Alphard Black.
WHAT: Orion has something to discuss with Alphard. Alphard bitches about nature (probably).
WHEN: Mid-Morning; September 17th.
WHERE: Strolling from the Courtyard and beyond.
RATING // STATUS: PG? // Closed.

Granted it was nearly thirteen degrees out when Alphard saddled his light Autumn coat over his shoulders. It was dark and conservative like virtually all of what Alphard owned. But it fit well and he enjoyed it's length, which caught at just mid-thigh. Black wool, thinner than a winter coat, lined with a fine black silk and leather lapels, which he upturned to block the light morning breeze as he waited for his dearest cousin.

Alphard hated the cold as much as he hated the heat. In all honesty, if he could find a spell to cause the world a pleasant temperature year around- one oddly found in the typical home- he would have used it ages ago. But such things did not exist. Equal to his contempt of temperature was his contempt of "unchecked nature." Fortunately the Courtyard proved to be bereft of anything like that- what "nature" was present was culled and controlled, mastered by Man. And so Alphard could quietly enjoy it.

the Black boy waited in patient silence for his cousin. The few people that passed- regardless of their House- he nodded to politely. Had he not already been standing, he would have stood in the presence of the few girls. But beyond it, Alphard spent the scant few minutes staring into the lucid pool of water, wishing to understand and failing Orion's fascination with the lake. He'd called it serene. Alphard only saw chaos and a haven for monsters, and an unpleasant water weed smell. Though he did enjoy the smell of the swollen soil from last night's rain. Alphard appreciated murky weather- as long as he was not out in it.

Finally a familiar sight, one which Alphard drunk in with quiet appreciation. Orion. On the one hand, hear to have him a few minutes of ennui. On the other hand... they had to walk outside. In nature. "Cousin," he greeted with a warmer than usual handshake, hand patting at the younger Black's shoulder.