October 2011



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February 7th, 2011

[info]healerfawcett in [info]attheclose

Who: Sarah Fawcett
What: Hoping the pen is mightier than the wand.
When: BACKDATED: Sunday, February 6, 1998
Where: Sarah's cottage in Hogsmeade, then the Owl Post in Diagon Alley
Rating: Low

[info]greenlion in [info]attheclose

Who: Terry Boot & Neville Longbottom
What: Just two dudes, not talking about the DA.
When: BACKSTORY March, 1995
Where: Hogwarts' courtyard
Rating: They're dweeby fifteen-year-old boys. How bad can it be?

... when it came to Herbology, Neville hadn't any interest in people. )

[info]mistyintheriver in [info]attheclose

WHO: Penelope Clearwater & Percy Weasley
WHAT: It's going to take more than a basilisk to wipe out Penny Clearwater (for the Valentine's Day challenge!)
WHEN: BACKSTORY Late in the spring semester, 1993
WHERE: Hogwarts' infirmary
RATING: Low, I'd expect.

Penelope was growing a bit stir-crazy under Madam Pomfrey's supervision; it was almost like she had been conscious during the majority of her stay. )

[info]withoutreality in [info]attheclose

Who: Mandy Brocklehurst and Neville Longbottom
What: Awkwardness due to charms practice!
When: BACKDATED, fall of 1993
Where: A random Hogwarts courtyard
Rating: PG-ish? There's kissing, but not purposefully!

...and what if they had to use a Cheering Charm in a practical exam and over-cheered someone into hysterics? )

[info]aurorborealis in [info]attheclose

Who: Remus Lupin & Tonks
What: Sirius is dead. Who wants to go home alone?
When: BACKSTORY, wee hours of the morning, 19 June, 1996
Where: Tonks' flat in Southbank, London
Rating: In honor of V-day, LET THERE BE SMUT. And really sad stuff.

She didn't have the head or the heart for anything once Moody had told her that Sirius was dead... )

[info]_vati in [info]attheclose

Who: Ginny Weasley and Parvati Patil
What: Breaking the bad news - Padma's outie
When: Wednesdey, February 2 (BACKDATED)
Where: Gryffindor Common Room
Rating: Low, I'd expect

Talking about Dumbledore's Army was becoming increasingly difficult in the current climate of the castle. )