Avatar: The Last Airbender Fans - July 20th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Avatar: The Last Airbender fandom

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July 20th, 2008

Lots of stuff! [Jul. 20th, 2008|11:10 am]


Lots of STUFF in this post!

Title: These Lazy Days
Author: [info]nanthimus
Rating: PG for innuendo?
Warnings: Uhm. Fluff. Sap. Relentless teasing?
Word Count: 1200
Prompt: Avatar: The Last Airbender - Aang/Katara - water - controlling the current like another limb
Notes: I think that older!Aang/Katara would be a playful, teasing couple; they would be comfortable with themselves and each other. I tried to incorporate those feelings here. Also, bending is really hard to write.

( These Lazy Days )


There's a Kataang Fanworkathon going on at the AangxKatara community on LJ. You don't really have to be a member to join - just create awesome Aang/Katara fanworks (of any kind!)


So if you're like me, you're needing fanfiction after that finale. A LOT OF FANFICTION. I suggest joining [info]avafest and submitting prompts. And then CLAIMING PROMPTS. AND THEN WRITING FIC. All for Avatar. Similar to [info]kinkfest or [info]areyougame except, you know, for Avatar only. Which kind of makes it incredibly awesome.
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